While You’re Waiting

A few days ago we studied the rebuilding of the Temple as told by Ezra. We saw that, even though God’s timeframe is usually very different than our own, He is always faithful to finish what He begins and will not forget the plans He’s made for us (Philippians 1:6; Jeremiah 29:11). Yet in spite of the fact that God often tosses our own agenda to the side and forces us to wait upon Him, I believe it’s important for us to realize that the Lord still has a work for us to do today that’s far more important than any plans we’ve made for ourselves. Even if it means doing nothing more than simply worshipping Him, it is our Lord’s desire that we “redeem the time” He’s given us and utilize it for His glory (Ephesians 5:16).

“I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry.”

                                                     -Psalm 40:1

Romans 8:28 reminds us that, if you a Christian, God will ensure that all things work together for your ultimate benefit. This doesn’t mean everything we go through in life will be easy or even enjoyable, but that, in the end, God can and will use it for His glory and our betterment. What we so often struggle with is realizing that, even during the times when He seems so distant and our hopes so uncertain, the Lord still has a plan for us that’s already been set in motion. Just because we seem to be at a standstill doesn’t mean that God is; He is always working, and will never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).

Perhaps life has found you in the same place it found the Israelites some 2,600 years ago. You look around and see nothing but unfinished temples and incomplete promises, all the while wondering what on earth it is you’re supposed to be doing while you wait. If this is you, here’s a simple suggestion : “Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass.” (Psalm 37:5)  He’s up to something bigger than you are.






Zachary Bruno said...

Nice message, nice song, right timing for me, brother :)

Grant said...

I like the post! I thought it was so true. We need to wait for God's time on everything.

Grant or Arrows of Victory

P.S. I thought the song explained everything.

Esther Joy said...

Wow! I'm glad you stopped by my blogs, and have really enjoyed looking over yours. The spiritual depth of your posts is amazing for a 17 year old. It is evident God's hand is on you and that you spend time with Him.

Rebecca said...

Beautiful Picture!!!
Thank you for the encouragement. I always like to read your posts because I usaully come away encouraged.
You are right, God has a plan for all our lives, even though it may seem as if we are at a standstill.
I know he is always working on me, and that he will not forget me, though I do tend to forget :)
HIS service,

Luther:Living Grace said...

Patience is something that is often hard to come by especially in our microwave culture where everything is righ at our fingertips. God however commands us to be still and know him and to wait upon the Lord to renew our strength.

God will often interrupt our plans: it is our responsibility to prepare ourselves to listen.

Rachel M. said...

Wow, God is so good as He is speaking to me through that Bible verse: "He has made everything beautiful in His time".

Thank you so much for this post!!
In Christ,

Jen said...

These words are perfect for a friend and the fact that you love hunting just makes it all the better! Thanks for coming by Finding Heaven. Following you back.

JT said...

I like the post and like the music. Good job. God bless.

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