Our Hiding Place

In Psalm 46:1, God is described as “our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Like a modern-day storm shelter built to protect us from the physical elements of nature, our God is One Who provides us with a spiritual shelter when trials come even though the storms themself often continue to rage around us. He doesn’t speak peace to every wind that blows our way, but offers His continued presence and protection even during the most difficult of circumstances (Matthew 28:20).
"Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love Him."
-James 1:12
Trials, believe it or not, are some of the most important moments of our life according to Scripture. If our faith was never tested, how would it grow? If our hope remained unchallenged, how would we ever know it to be real? Even the crown of life promised to those who love the Lord is, as James wrote, something that only trials allow us to obtain. Of course we shouldn’t go around looking for valleys to walk through, but, when we do find ourselves in one, we should realize that it was sent our way to bring about patience and completeness in our walk with God, and continue to praise Him for Who He is (James 1:2-4). After all, God wouldn’t have reminded us through His Word to praise Him as many times as He did if it were always an easy thing to do (I Thessalonians 5:18).
Perhaps lately it seems as if the “valley of the shadow of death” has become your permanent home (Psalm 23:4). The rain won’t stop pouring, and it feels as though this trial will never end. Don’t worry; it will. God will one day wipe away all tears from the eyes of His children, and there will be no more death, sorrow, pain, or crying (Revelation 21:4). In the meantime, though, let us learn to cast all of our cares upon Him (1 Peter 5:7); He cares for us more than we’ll ever know.
Awesome post, Dakota!! God is definitely my refuge :D He's so amazing :D
Reading through this reminded me of Jeff Deyo's song "Satisfy" from his album Saturate XD epically awesome.
Cool! I like that picture :)
Hi Dakota!
This post was excellent!
It reminded me of a sermon my pastor once spoke about, how, when we are in the valley we can't wait to get out of it, we cry and suffer; feeling like God has turned away. But then He helps us up the mountain and as we reach the peak we draw a breath of fresh air. But we last only a little while at the top- for only true Christians are prepared to constantly be working for the Lord, so we go back down the hill and with much prayer begin our work in another trial.
Your post really encouraged me, I so often find myself staring up at the heavens with a look on my face that is anything but thankful!:}
However each trial has taught me a lesson, and I know that God will never give me anything I can't handle.
Thanks again!
God Bless!
Beautiful post! Thanks very much for this- it's very encouraging.
Amen, God cares about our every need, thanks for sharing.
Amen! Well done.
i agree! great encouragement.
my most recent post: He who owes me nothing gives me everything
You are a very impressive young man. I look forward to following your writings. Maybe you can give me some pointers!
Great reminder that we are to view each trial as the opportunity to submit to the Lord and listen to His counsel and receive His grace.
Financial trials taught me to view money as belonging solely to God; physical trials have allowed me to receive His grace and show it to others, my own children's sufferings have forced me down onto my face in desperate prayer and I have found sweet peace and the strong sensation of His presence.
We shall always remain under the shadow of His wing, our God and our Redeemer.
Love the photo of the moth - did you take it? Thanks for sharing your wisdom on trials!
Yes, I take all the pictures I put on my blog. Just look for my DNP watermark. :)
Hi Dakota,
"God doesn't always calm the storms, but He always calms His child" is what comes to mind when reading your post. Nothing worth anything is ever achieved without adversity. Our character is built from trials.
Yes, I cannot wait for the glorious day when He will wipe away the tears from our eyes. God bless!
Very true! I like That part ware you say, "We shouldn’t go around looking for valleys to walk through," another way to say it is, (this is a text from the light and the Glory) "We must not bring misery on ourselves; there is no credit or comfort in this.The text does not say "Let him make his cross," no, it is made already. So long as we have the world and our own corrupt hearts, and as long as there are devils in hell, there are troubles enough..."
I just thought you might like the text.
I was directed to your blog by a dear friend; I agree with their words that you have great wisdom (given to you by God I do believe :) on the Word for one so young! Awesome!!
I totally agree with what you wrote; we will have trials in life but God is always faithful, always there, knows what is best for us and indeed will wipe away every tear!
looking forward to reading more.
enjoy the day!
This is a very well-written post, Dakota. It's sometimes difficult to remember that He is always with us everywhere and all the time. But it is so comforting that He would love me that much. Thanks for the reminder.
You continue to be a blessing for many. May God bless your ministry.
Well written, and well said.
God Bless.
I have read that it is impossible for us to become better people without trials. I think this is true. I am 61 and been through many trials and I am still learning how to lean on God through them. Each time it is getting easier to accept the trials in my life and trust God. But I still have much to learn.
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