Amazing Love || A Good Friday Post

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
-Romans 5:8
If you want to be amazed, then stop and think for a few moments on the incredible love of God. Few things are as unbelievable, and yet even fewer things more real. Though the Scriptures tell us He was “despised and rejected of men” (Isaiah 53:3), He nevertheless endured the cross on our behalf that we might be reconciled to God through His blood and enjoy everlasting life with Him (Hebrews 2:17; John 17:2, 3). He demonstrated the greatest kind of love one can possess despite our obvious inability to ever earn grace or forgiveness, and promises that many more blessings will follow to those who put their trust in Him.
What makes this kind of love so amazing? The simple fact that we don’t deserve it. As humans, we are all members of a fallen race (Romans 5:12-14) and the thought that an infinite, holy, and eternal God would even take the time to notice – let alone die for – us should baffle our minds completely. We have nothing to offer Him that He doesn’t already possess, because, as Matthew 5:48 so plainly states, He is perfect. We don’t complete Him, but are in desperate need of His grace and mercy to complete us (Colossians 2:10).
“In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him.”
-I John 4:9
On this Good Friday, when people around the world are commemorating Christ’s death on the cross, let each of us be reminded of the amazing and undeserved love that was demonstrated by God the Son on that day some 2,000 years ago. He did what no one else could do and what few others would do: He died for us (Romans 5:7). God, in all of His power and glory, stooped to our level so that we could be raised up to His (Ephesians 2:6). That, my friend, is amazing love.
A lovely devotional, Dakota! Thanks for stopping by The Way, too. Have been writing a daily devotional called Blended Gospels, which combines all four gospels into one narrative, leaving out the chapters and verses, so that it reads like a story, has all the details of each gospel included in each part of the story, and puts the story line in sequential order.
Started in December, and have been amazed at how the Lord's biography unflods with new insights, when all four gospels are brought together in this way.
Grace and peace
Absolutely! His love is so amazing!! I can't get over it! And you know what the most beautiful thing to see is? The love of Christ flowing through His children as they love one another. This week, for me, has been one where although situations in the home and stuff are pretty bleh I've been just sooo immersed in love by my friends that I feel awesome. It's an amazing feeling to be loved, but even more amazing to be loved by the love of God...cuz that's the only perfect love :D
Thanks for another awesome post :D
you are right - He did what only He could do and He didn't have to... such an amazing gift that it is hard to wrap my mind around it. blessings this weekend!
my most recent post: 5 things i am thinking about on good friday
Amen Dakota!
He is risen!
The secrets within that amazing love were for us who follow Him. We benefit from hindsight, from what was kept quietly in God's plan.
Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
(1 Corinthians 2:8 KJV)
It is obvious that you are wise beyond your years, Dakota, for wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord! I loved your "Amazing Love" Good Friday Post. Thank you for inviting me to read it after your visit to my blog "Blessings from Brenda"
You remind me so much of my sons who are avid outdoor sportsmen, but more importantly God-hunters and followers! I encourage you to look for "Real Deal Outdoors" on face book and YouTube to meet them and see how they are praising God for His wonderful creation as well.
Have a blessed Resurrection Celebration and keep witnessing for the Lord!
Blessings in Christ,
Are you sure you are only 17? I sure wish I had His wisdom then in my life but it took me awhile of playing atheist to come around at the old age of 28 - glad I did then. It has been almost 36 years and I am growing and learning and being loved ever still by our Jesus!
Wow, Dakota! You hit it right on the head! This is such an awesome post! So true! God's love is such an amazing thing. It is SO unexplainable and unimaginable!!! Thanks so much for sharing this!
Since this post is on the love of God I thought that I should tell you about the message our pastor gave good Friday. It was about the love of God. He kept on saying: "He loved you so much that he died for you, he gave everything. People say, "This world is not worth two cents," but if God would die for this world than it must be worth more than that! You here me, God become man that's amazing enough, but he didn't stop there! He went on to die for us, so that we might be God's children." It was such a fantastic message that I was just on fire for God when I left.
In Chist,
P.S. Pray for my cousin that he would come to know Christ.
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