He Hasn’t Changed

“And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full.
And He was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake Him, and say unto Him, Master, carest Thou not that we perish?
And He arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.
And He said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?”-Mark 4:37-40
For someone who writes as much as I do, if I’m going to be honest I must admit that it doesn’t come easily to me at all. Sometimes I can sit down at this desk and pour my heart out to you guys in a matter of only 30 minutes or so, while there’s other times – like this one – when God lays something so heavily on my heart that I just can’t find any words to express it. I don’t know why, but I feel more so than ever before that this post is meant for somebody who really needs to be reminded of God’s faithfulness.
With more than 300 followers, I think it’s safe to assume there’s at least a few of you going through the worst moments of your life. Some of you just lost your best friend to death, or your parent to divorce. Maybe faith has been close to your heart, and yet peace far from your mind as you wonder if that loved one will ever be saved, that prayer ever answered, or that need ever met. The promises of God are there for you in big, red letters, but perhaps it seems more as if they are mere words on a page than something written to bring you the individual blessing you so desperately need.
“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
-Philippians 4:13
Wherever you are in life, know that it’s the same Jesus Who walked on water that offers His everlasting presence and protection to you today. It’s the very same Lord Who turned water into wine that can turn your curse into a blessing (Deuteronomy 23:5), and the One who raised Lazarus from the grave longs to resurrect the shattered pieces of your broken heart (Psalm 34:18). His grace is sufficient to supply all your needs, and it is only through our own weakness that His strength is made perfect (Philippians 4:19; 2 Corinthians 12:9-10).
I love your blog... great message, we studied that particular passage a few months ago with the young people and so many great lessons... truly God is greater than any storm that we can ever experience in our lives...
Thanx for the lovely reminder of his great faithfulness
God bless you
Blessings, I came to your blog from Christian Blog Award. I look forward to reading more of your blogs.
Be Encouraged!
Amen! Jesus is the same today, yesterday and forever... and though heaven and earth will pass away, He will remain faithful to us... So remain faithful to Him, we must!
Thank you for this reminder. I've been in a problem but I know my God will never forsake me...
Awesome post Dakota!! I just watched the movie Soul Surfer today, and it has that bible verse in it..."I can do all things through Christ which strengths me." I try to remember that!! God is awesome :D
I love that song!!!
Great reminder of how Jesus is the same today, tomorrow, etc. I remember praying at times remembering of what God has done, created the world, fed the Israelites with manna, parted the Red Sea, closed the lions' mouth in the lions den, raised Jesus from the dead, etc, etc, etc. He is that SAME VERY GOOD, never changing, he can surely look after me indeed!!
Wow! Just...wow. I'm all shaky and like...wow right now....you have no clue how much this post hits home for me. This is something I've been so needing to hear and something people have been speaking into my life lately. This is intense...precisely what I needed to hear. Thank you so much for sharing!!!
Amazing post Dakota!
Very, very true. I've got that verse, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me” on my school timestable/calendar in my room, just to remind me every day, that there's nothing I can't do with Him on my side :)
Thanks for taking the time to post!
God bless,
Growing up, I always thought my lonely feelings were from not having a girlfriend and later a wife. There was always something missing, and I tried to fill it up with work and other wordly things. I eventually did marry a wonderful woman and while I appreciate her and her company, that hole in my heart never went away.
Until last August... that's when I finally let the Lord in. Since then, I've known a peace of mind that I've never known before and I don't feel like there's something missing or that I need validation from another person or achievement. The Lord loves me, and that's enough.
You are right. It really is easy to find words to tell how I feel about the scriptures as I read them -- but every once in a while there is a strong need to write to one person, without knowing who or why. So we write knowing His word will not return void. That He has provided the answer. We acknowledge His sovereignty and our opportunity to serve. May your words reach the heart of the reader.
First off, your blog layout really showcases what you are in the bloggging world-you are a ray of sunshine. And such a beautiful writer.
I read your words and just got teary. I especially loved how you said, "God lays something so heavily on my heart that I just can’t find any words to express it."
Stunning~Russo @ www.threegnomes.blogspot.com
I think the Lord has blessed you with mature insights as a young age! Thanks for finding me so I could find your blog!
You always have such good scriptures that you use to explain your posts! This time I loved the scripture that said: "Can do all thing though Christ which strengtheneth me." He always is strengthening me. I could not live without Him strengthening me.
Strengthened by this post,
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