My Least Favorite Easter Tradition || A Prayer Request

“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
-James 5:16
Over the past two years, it seems as if we’ve made it a family tradition that at least one loved one must be in the hospital at Easter time. Last year it was my grandma with severe nosebleeds, and this year it’s my Great Grandma with a broken leg and heart trouble. Here’s what happened:
Yesterday we were over at my cousins’ home celebrating Easter when, right before we were about to eat, somebody called to let us know that they’d found my Great Grandma lying in the floor with a broken leg. Apparently she had issues with her phone at the time and was unable to call for help, and thus had to lie there in pain for five hours before someone arrived to check on her. Normally they would’ve found her before church, but since their services were cancelled due to flooding it was near or after noon before she was helped.
Anyway, they quickly called an ambulance and were later told she would need immediate surgery to correct a broken femur with metal screws. The surgery didn’t start until much later in the day, but when it was all finally finished they noticed irregular heart patterns resulting from the surgery which has given them a whole new level of concern. From what I’ve been told, her mechanical heart beat is doing just fine, while her electric heart beat has been very abnormal.
We’ll be going down to the hospital later this afternoon, but I still wanted to pass along this prayer request to you guys since she is 80 years old and hasn't been in the best of health apart from this anyway. Please ask God to touch her body and relieve any pain, but, most importantly, pray that His will would be done and Himself be glorified. We must realize that God has a purpose in this and believe that “all things work together for good to them that love God.” (Romans 8:28)
UPDATE: Thanks everybody for praying! My Great Grandma is home from the hospital now, but is still in need of periodic visits from nurses and physical therapists in addition to constant care from family members. She still has a long road of recovery ahead of her as she tries to regain her mobility, so please continue to remember her in your prayers.
I will be praying! Right now I have a friend walking through some hard times in the hospital too...just stand on His promises. How sweet to know that He really does work everything for the good of His children!
Oh no! That's not good news! I'm definitely praying for your great grandma; I hope her heart problem stabilizes and that her surgery is successful. That must have been such an awful experience!
Praying with you for this wonderful woman in your life! I am SO sorry to hear this!
Will pray.
How sad! I will be praying for your great grandma. I am sure that your visit to her today will lift her spirits.
Praying for no pain and very quick recovery.
I will be praying!
That's not good news!!
I am SO sorry to hear this!
I'll be praying too.
Will be praying for your family. At our church we had a lady lose her mother-in-law on Easter morning. We had three different families with someone having to go the ER, two were admitted. And today, (4/25) we had a man from church go to be with Jesus.
I understand your concern.
I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother Dakota.
I'll be praying for her and your family.
For His Glory
I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother Dakota.
I'll be praying for her and your family.
For His Glory
It is hard to see how this could work to good -- until you think of the people who will receive a witness of Christ's love in your family. May she heal quickly, be quited from pain and be comforted by our Lord and those she loves. We do have her lifted in prayer. Please, let her know.
Oh, how sad!
I'll be praying. God bless.
In Christ,
praying for your dear great grandmother... i love that you were there with her, comforting her...
A lot of prayers are going up for her, you can add mine to.
I will be praying!
I'll be praying for your Grandmother. Hopefully you'll break that Easter tradition.
Grant ~ Arrows of Victory
Praying for your grandma:)
Thanks for the update! Continuing to pray for 100% recovery.
In Him,
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