Love Came Down *Series Interlude*


Love is not an emotion. Though it is often accompanied by emotion, love is so much more than a word or a feeling; it is a commitment. It is a commitment that bears, believes, hopes, and endures all things. True love, as Paul said, never fails. (1 Corinthians 13)

Unlike the brand of love we see at work in today’s world, love in its purest form cannot be expressed in words; it can only be proven by our actions. This is the type of love that filled the heart of our Heavenly Father, moving Him to demonstrate His undying affection for us by dying a sinner’s death at the hands of those He created. Such a love could never begin to be understood if all we had was the verbal promise of its existence. Sure, we’d probably still believe in it, but would we truly comprehend it? Now that we have such clear evidence that it exists, we are now able to “comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;  And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge.” (Ephesians 3:18-19)

2,000 years ago, love was born into a broken world. Jesus could’ve chose to never set foot in this world, but He didn’t. He knew full well that most of the people who would claim to love Him on earth would one day, directly or indirectly, nail Him to a cross. The amazing thing is that He didn’t let our lack of love keep Him from loving us. Even with His last words, He was praying for our redemption (Luke 23:34). No love has ever been more real; no love has ever been greater.


Bethany said...

I just found your blog by a random matter of events (aka, blog jumping :D) and I will say I'm thankful I have! Every day in school I see that "love", just a pure emotion and it hurts to see that many of them do not know any true love, the love of God Himself.

In Christ,

Child of God said...

Tears of joy for the love He shows us oh how wonderful He is. Praise His Holy name for He alone is truly worthy of praise.

God Bless,

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