Anxiety. It’s a little word, but yet a big problem in today’s world. People worry about everything from mortgage payments to what they’re cooking for dinner, even though several thousand years of history reveal no instances of worry or anxiety ever fixing anything. The worst part of it all, though, is not that countless hours of useful time are thrown away each day by worrywarts; it’s that many Christians have fallen into this miserable trap of the devil.
“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”
-Philippians 4:6
Many times people worry about things which cannot be solved in any other way than through prayer. For example, worrying about where you will spend your eternity won’t change anything, but a single trip to the altar can make all the difference in the world. Despite this, many people spend their entire life in constant fear of what might happen after death, and never do the one thing within their power to resolve this issue. In the same way, how often have we wasted precious time worrying over things that could be solved in a matter of just a few minutes at the altar of prayer?
“For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things: to Whom be glory for ever. Amen.”
-Romans 11:36
And while many things can be solved through prayer, there are certain things that are simply out of our control. We cannot control when and how we will die, when Christ comes, or whether deceased loved ones are in heaven or not. No matter how hard we try, we can’t change the past, or control the future; all we have is today. Right now is the only moment you can do anything about, and let’s not create another moment worth regretting by wasting it.
What a great post and a timely reminder for me. :) I am praying for so many people and sometimes I worry that I am not praying enough.
God Bless,
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