Memorize 3rd John With Me!

Over the past few months, my Scripture memorization efforts have not been nearly what they used to be. While I never stopped maintaining the verses I’d previously memorized, adding new passages of God’s Word to my list rarely happened. That’s why, starting this Monday, I’m going to begin the process of memorizing III John, and I’d love for you to join me!
I know some of you are no doubt thinking that to memorize a whole book of the Bible is absurd; but in reality, III John contains only about 15% more words than the average Christian song. Why is it that we don’t hesitate to memorize the words of Tobymac and Third Day, and yet are hesitant when it comes to hiding God’s own Word in our heart (Psalm 119:11)? It’s not as hard as we tend to think, and the rewards are far greater than being able to sing along to our favorite tunes.
Anyway, I hope you’ll prayerfully consider joining me in committing this wonderful passage of Scripture to memory. I plan on moving forward at a pace of 2 verses per week so that anybody who is willing to truly apply themselves can participate. Even if you’re somebody who has never memorized Scripture before, consider this the perfect time to start! Also, be sure to check out the new page I’ve added to my navigation bar (above) dedicated to this project.
I hope you’ll join me, and please be sure to let me know if you do!
I am going to do this - I can do this!
It amazes me how much scripture my children memorize through AWANA, and yet I really don't do any.
Good idea, Dakota!
I got frames for the sunset pictures today!
I'm going to give it a try, Dakota. It sounds like a lot of fun! I've been hoping to get around to memorizing all of Ephesians, but I keep putting it off. 3rd John sounds like a good place to start...not only that but it's a shorter book too :P Thanks for putting this up!
I would do it with you, but I am in the process of memorizing Philippians at the time. Well, in reality, I have a 10-year schedule going. I enjoy memorizing Scripture and it is a wonderful opportunity to get into the Word on a daily basis. His Word strengthens my soul and it will never return void. :)
In Christ,
Joshua :)
Wow! God bless your memorization, Joshua! What a treasure it will be to have the entire book of Philippians instantly accessible no matter where you are or who you're with!
In Christ,
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