The Sermon on the Mount *New Series*

Matthew’s account of the Sermon on the Mount covers three full chapters of his gospel (ch. 5, 6, & 7), and I know it would take more time than I have to do each verse justice on this blog. Even so, I want to go through this wonderful portion of Scripture and pick out some of my favorite verses to study and write about. I don’t know how long it will take, or how many posts it will consist of, but I’m trusting God to speak to each of us in a special way through His Word.
Out of all the sermons that have been preached through the years, none have been equal to the Sermon on the Mount. No Billy Graham or Charles Spurgeon has ever come close to delivering a message so moving and so powerful as this, and that is why I feel compelled to at least devote a handful of posts to its teaching.
Anyway, be sure to check back in a few days for the start of what I trust to be an exciting series! If there are any particular verses you especially want me to post on, don’t be shy of commenting and sending me your requests!
NOTE: Many of you will remember the series I did back in June on the beatitudes, so I’ll probably not touch on those first 12 verses again. If you want to check out my thoughts on those particular teachings, you can find them in my June archives at the bottom of my sidebar.
Sounds great! I will be waiting to read what you have to say.
God Bless,
Keep it up Dakota! May our Lord bless you and keep you!
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