A Plentiful Harvest

I still have a couple more posts up my sleeve for my series on Evolution versus Creation, but I just had to take a few moments to share with you about a Rebelution Conference I attended this Saturday.

You see, the Rebelution (started by Alex and Brett Harris) is a teen movement that encourages teens to rebel against the low expectations of today’s society and live their lives in such a way that glorifies God. For the past several years, they have been holding Conferences all over the U.S. and they use these opportunities not only to present their views on what God intended the teen years to be, but they also share the Gospel with those in attendance. Obviously, this part of the Conference is the most crucial, and many of the volunteers have been praying for a good response for quite some time. And do you want to know what we learned? God still answers prayer!

Instead of doing as most people do after presenting the Gospel, they did not ask those who had accepted Christ to simply raise their hand while everybody had their heads bowed and their eyes closed. Rather, they explained that if you could not publicly stand for Christ in an environment where other people would be excited for you and applaud, then you could not possibly stand for him when you went back to school, work, or even to a non-Christian family. Instead, they were asked to stand up  and shout, “Jesus Christ is Lord!” (No, I’m not kidding)

At first, there was a chilling silence. Nobody moved. In a room filled with nearly 2,000 people, you could have heard a pin drop. Then all of a sudden, somebody stood up and yelled, “Jesus Christ is Lord!” Then there was another, and another, and another. Before you knew what was happening, dozens and dozens of people were saying through tears, “Jesus Christ is Lord.” It was honestly the most beautiful sound I have ever heard, and I know for a fact that I’m not the only one who teared up. All told, about 200 people (out of the 1,905 in attendance) stood and made a public profession of faith that day. Some were teens, some were parents, and some were even volunteers – but either way, it was amazing.

Do you have an unsaved loved one in your life? If so, let me advise you not to neglect praying for them. It really works.


Squeaks said...

Wow! That's totally awesome :) ! It just sends shivers up my spine (excited shivers that is) to think of all those kids yelling out the name of my God in praise! Ha! Makes me feel like dancing lolz XD


Amber Noella said...

That really happened? That's wonderful! I've never heard anything like it.

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