In The Beginning – The Fossil Record

A study of Creationism versus Evolutionism is not nearly complete without first giving careful consideration to the fossil record. If you are not familiar with fossils, consider them nature’s history book. They tell us what kind of animals existed in years past, and sometimes even such data as what they ate, and how they died. Naturally then, if Evolution is so widely accepted by Scientists, you would assume that fossils give at least some indication that evolution occurred, right? They don’t.
Consider the bat, for example. Many modern Scientists believe that this creature evolved from mice. They believe this despite the fact that no intermediary stages of this transition have been found in the fossil record! Hundreds of fossils have been found of mice, and hundreds have been found of bats – yet zero have been found of a mouse in the process of transitioning into a bat. Now if this were the only occurrence of a gap in the fossil record, I would probably be willing to let it slide. But the fact is, this is true for every suggested evolutionary process Science has suggested. You’ve heard of “the missing link”? Well this phrase is actually very misleading, for there would have to be hundreds of thousands of these links – and they are still looking for the first one! Most of what are termed “missing links” such as Lucy and Nebraska Man have been found to be hoaxes. Actually, Nebraska Man turned out to be nothing more than a pig’s tooth!
To quote Dr. Stephen Jay Gould, an evolutionist himself, ‘The absence of fossil evidence for intermediary stages has been a persistent and nagging problem for evolution.” You can tell me that Evolution is possible until your blue in the face, but I don’t want theories; I want facts. Whether or not an animal could evolve is not the issue. I want proof that they did, and that proof just does not exist.
As a final thought, I’m going to close with this quote from Darwin himself,
“I was a young man with unformed ideas. I threw out queries, suggestions, wondering all the time over everything; and to my astonishment the ideas took like wildfire. People made a religion out of them!”If I were going to become an Evolutionist, it would be helpful if the founder of the theory actually believed in it himself.
A good book on this subject (and a Christian view on Darwin's book in particular) would be 'Darwin on Trial'. I've read it myself, and I can certainly recommend it.
Thanks Jake! I'm definitely going to check into that. One book you also might want to read is The Grand Experiment by Dr. Carl Werner (there's actually more than one). You can check out his website at He was formerly a devout evolutionist until a friend challenged him to research all of the facts and see for himself the many holes in Darwin's theory. He traveled the globe visiting museums and even filming a documentary of his interviews with scientists. Naturally, after seeing the facts for himself, he refuted evolution and now believes in supernatural creation. I've met him personally a couple times, and he's a great guy.
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