In The Beginning – New Series

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” -Genesis 1:1
The beginning of time has been the topic of heated discussion for centuries. Questions like “Where did we come from?” “What are here for?” and “Where are we going?” are not only popular concerns, but they are also completely valid. Who wouldn’t want to know whether they are the magnificent creation of a loving God Who cares for them deeply, or if they are in fact the product of a process called evolution that depends on nothing more than random chance. If the former, then they are created in the image of God Himself and are thus of great value; if the latter, then they are nothing more than a collection of molecules and atoms that find their origin in an abyssal pool billions of years ago (i.e. worthless). With such a stark contrast between our two options, you can see why this is such a controversial issue.
As Christians, it is our duty to know our beliefs and be able to defend them (I Peter 3:15). Sadly, many believers today have no facts whereby to defend their Creationist views. Yes, our faith might be enough for us and an individual, but those who have been raised to believe in Darwin’s theory will scoff at those who reject Science over faith. That is why I am going to devote the next few posts to equipping you to defend your Creationist views (assuming of course that you are a Christian). You’ll find that my posts will use pure Science as their backbone. I will reference Scripture only as necessary so you will be more likely to persuade even the most devout atheist against evolution. Once you have accomplished this, he or she will be more open to discussions about God and the Bible, and consequentially to salvation.
I’m going to touch on the obvious topics associated with evolution (such as the fossil record), as well as the not-so-obvious ( DNA, for example). As the type of person that could talk for hours about Creation Vs. Evolution, I’ll do my best to contain myself and keep this series to a moderate length. Be checking back very soon for the first post of what I hope to be a very exciting series.
Can't wait. I enjoy debating this topic as well, so I am interested to hear what you have to say on it.
In Christ,
Joshua :)
Coolness. I'm excited to see this series. And don't worry about containing yourself -- you can just have 30 short posts!
Psalm 8:3-4
When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him,
and the son of man that you care for him?
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