In The Beginning - Second Law of Thermodynamics

Do you remember at the end of my last post in this series, when I said that scientists must ignore their own laws in order to make evolution work? Well say hello to example #2.
In case you are unfamiliar with the Second Law of Thermodynamics, it states that “In a system, a process that occurs will tend to increase the total entropy of the universe.” Or in other words, things gradually deteriorate over time. A house left untended will naturally become rundown, and a neglected yard eventually becomes unsuitable. It’s just common sense. Actually, the entire universe is (very) slowly becoming more and more unstable itself. If the Lord were not soon returning, our entire planet would be destroyed in no more than 5.5 billion years by the gradual expansion of the sun. Obviously though, that’s not something Christians should even be concerned about.
Now how on earth could a universe of perfect order be produced by a giant explosion 13+ billion years ago? Think about it. Scientists theorize that everything in existence today – the Rocky Mountains, the Grand Canyon, and even your backyard – was all compressed into an extremely dense speck no larger than the period at the end of this sentence. Then suddenly, it exploded! A force more powerful than any atomic bomb then produced a universe of perfect order. Birds singing, beautiful waterfalls and glades – no, these things are not the Creation of an intelligent Designer; that’s stupid. It is much more rational (and scientific) to believe that a giant explosion formed it all. In fact, it is so rational that people have even decided to teach it in public schools as if it were already proven. Do you see a problem here? I know I do.
According to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, everything tends toward disorder. That is, until you begin examining the most important issue of all time: where we came from. Then, scientists say that chaos produced harmony, discord produced peace, and a random explosion produced, not only the entire universe, but even me and you. Who knew that one of the most popular ideas ever suggested by science would be so unscientific?
When everything is studied in its full light, it is apparent that we have only one of two options to choose from. Either God created us, or He didn’t. If He didn’t, then everything we see must have been the production of a big bang and random chance. Without a doubt, only “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God...” (Psalm 14:1)
Hey Dakota, the reasoning in this post is great (and I totally agree with the concept of creation as opposed to evolution). I've looked up two sites that talk about the 2nd law of thermodynamics and evolution/creation. I always feel it is good to know where everyone is coming from both sides of the argument:
(That's the evolution-sided one; don't know how reliable both of these pages are though :P )
(and that's the creation-sided one)
Thanks for those links, Squeaks. I checked out both of those sites. From what I read, it seems like the evolutionist is primarily against "claiming that thermodynamics prevents all evolutionary development." And I have to say I agree with that. I don't think that things such as natural selection would be in violation of the 2nd law, but the big bang would have to be. I just can't see any way around that.
I also can't see why evolutionists think that things are getting better. You know, from their perspective, the universe and the earth is clearly getting better as the years go along. Yeah right. Don't they see all the evil in this world, the numerous amount of climactic disasters, or the significant display of the earth's magnetic field falling apart.
A great example of this is the human body. Each and every year, our body falls apart. We begin life with a brand new body. As the days, months, and years begin to pile up on that once newborn body, the body deteriorates. The same thing happens with machines, roller coasters, and what not. They don't work as well like they once did. The same exact thing represents the earth. The earth and universe was once young and vibrant. They are not young anymore.
That is just basic, simplistic logic. Evolution should have died a long time ago. However, Romans 1:18 through the rest of the chapter comes into play, and that is why evolution still lives.
Dakota, man, I completely agree with you, but evolutionists don't want God running their life. They live life for themselves and that is basically it. We were once in that position and thank God He opened our eyes. Love ya man! Keep preaching the truth of the Scriptures.
In Christ,
Joshua :)
I know a man who was once a devout evolutionist, but has since discarded his views in favor of Creationism. I once asked him what he thinks it will take for Evolution to finally be disproved once and for all in the Scientific world. He basically said that people will continue to believe it until somebody presents them with another atheistic alternative. That's a perfect example of Romans 1:18 in action. It's a shame, but some people are so against God that they refuse to believe the truth even if it means holding on to something that is scientifically impossible. How I wish I had that strong of faith!
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