Our Schoolmaster

“Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.”

               -Galatians 3:24

At least in America, it seems that many people have stopped responding to the Christian message. We know from what Christ taught us that iniquity will abound everywhere in the last days and that the love of many will wax cold (Matt. 24:12); but I also believe most Christians are not shining as the light of the world and thus contribute to the problem as well (Matt 5:14).

What we must do to remedy this is simply to quit sugar-coating sin and show the world their desperate need for redemption. As A.B. Earle once said, “[The world] must see themselves lost before they will cry for mercy. They will not escape from danger until they see it.”  The law is what leads us to Christ (Gal. 3:24), and yet many times we have attempted to replace our historically faithful schoolmaster with bribes of joy, peace, and happiness to anyone who will merely recite the sinner’s prayer.

“What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.”

               -Romans 7:7

If we want to again see people saved by the thousands and experience the revival we’ve all been anticipating, then it’s essential we get back to God’s version of the gospel and preach His rightly divided Word “in season and out of season.” (II Tim. 4:2, 2:15) We may not tickle as many ears or become a mega-church, but those who do respond will be far more likely to persevere in their faith than those who were never accurately shown their need for a Savior.




Carole said...

This is so true. In our culture today there are no guidelines. "Anything goes" mentality are leaving folks clueless about repenting. They don't realize they are doing wrong when everyone else is doing the same and its condoned and even encouraged by society. Sadly, as you point out, the church is compromised and ineffective. Good writing, Dakota.:)

Kate W said...

Amen!!! I agree 110%! This ties in with the conversations you & I have had about some of the reasons why youth groups, mega-churches etc are ineffectual. We care more about reaching out with fun & entertainment than we do about nurturing & caring for the souls that we ALREADY have, who will, in turn, produce a harvest 100-fold if equipped & prepared correctly... This is good! Keep on preaching, brother! :) Blessings heaped upon your head!

Stella said...

I had a conversation with someone the other day along these lines. We were discussing the "consumerism" attitude that has crept into Christianity. God bless your work!

Grammy Blick said...

At times it appears evangelicals are more interested in numbers -- bring them in, but fail to provide discipleship. The church does not provide a path to follow from initial salvation (receiving the milk of 1 Peter 2:2) to teacher of others (as explained in Hebrews 5:12-14). Yes, the Bible contains that path. We need classes pointing out that path, rather than leaving them alone to search alone.

Carole in the Faith Lounge said...

It's not just in America, we have the same problem here in the United Kingdom.

We need to go back to the basics or should I say a great number of our shepherds in the pulpits, need to go back to the basics.

Thank God, that we can read the Word for ourselves and have the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us!

Great post.
Be Blessed - Carole in the The Faith Lounge

Living Water said...

I agree with you that sin abound vastly these days as compared to yesteryears. The line between what used to be explicitly sin is now marginalized as something acceptable or minor which can be easily corrected. Some people I know even justify the necessity of doing certain wrong in order to know and experience what's right.

May we all see sin for what it is according to the word of God! I'm praying that more people will come to the realization never to condone sin.

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