Fisher’s of Men || Glorifying God With the Talents He Gave You

We all know the story of when Jesus called Peter and Andrew to leave their nets, follow Him, and become “fisher’s of men.” (Matthew 4) I find it very interesting that Christ appealed to them, not only using terminology they could understand, but also by demonstrating that to follow Him didn’t necessarily mean giving up all they held dear. They were fishers, and the kingdom of God certainly needed a handful of devout fisherman in its service.
Likewise, I believe it’s important for us to remember that God has endowed each one of us with specific spiritual gifts for us to use in His service (I Corinthians 12). Some of us are passionate about education or the ministry (I Corinthians 12:8; Romans 12:7), while others find their joy in volunteering their time and money to those in need (Romans 12:8). Whatever gets you excited, serving God doesn’t always mean giving that up; 95% of the time there’s a way for you to glorify God right where you are, doing what He created you to enjoy.
“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”
-I Corinthians 10:31
It probably won’t take you long after reading this to think of at least a couple things you’re passionate about. If it’s sports, then perhaps you should consider running in a marathon for charity; if it’s web design, then make a website pointing people to Christ; if it’s nature, then create an outdoors-themed blog and write short devotionals once or twice a week . There’s certainly going to be times as a Christian when we’ve got to make sacrifices for the Lord, but God never intended fulfilling our life’s calling to be a burden.
Thanks for posting! I agree with this completely, especially with the last sentence. We usually are most passionate about the things that God has gifted us in. Our passion usually lies in our strengths. Our comfort zones are stretched at times, yes, but they are for our benefit & we grow stronger because of it... Thanks for giving everyone ideas of the "hard things" that they can do for God's glory! :) May this post reignite their passion!
Hi! I found your blog from Jess @ -far from perfect- the main reason why I came over here was because your title caught my eye! (I love to hunt!) but anyway this post was really encouraging! I enjoyed it immensely. A great reminder to keep on using my gifts, tallents, and the things I enjoy to Serve the Lord!
Lakota (AKA Koda)
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