Can You Afford It?

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
-Matthew 6:33
In these tough economic times, I know I’m not the only one who’s realized the need to create a weekly budget to help keep me on track financially. Without a definite course charted out I often find it difficult to stay motivated and am very liable to spend a little bit more money than is appropriate on unnecessary things, such as eating out and texting.
In the same way, it’s often necessary for a Christian to budget their time in order to maintain a close relationship with God. If you are regularly missing out on prayer, Bible study and church due to a supposed lack of time, then consider putting your facebook account on hold for a while and reprioritizing your schedule. Put God first and make everything else revolve around His place in your heart.
“And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched.”
-Mark 9:43
For some of you, finding time to spend with God might mean setting your alarm 20 minutes early next week and trying to remember where you last had your Bible. For others, you may have to do nothing more than close your web browser after reading this post and go implement what you’ve just read. Whatever sacrifice you find necessary, just remember that it is no sacrifice to have a relationship with the living God. “So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do.” (Luke 17:10)
I agree it can be hard trying to "find time" for God, but He should go before anything else
Amen! God's got awesome messages for us in His Word.
This is so true. Our life would be filled with greater happiness and joy if we would do just that.
Here is some thing to think about.
If we are to give 10% to God. Then what would that mean, if we where to calculate time in the equation? 24 hours = 2 hours and 40 minutes. Think about it.
AMEN, Dakota! AWESOME post. And VERY well-timed, considering my current situation. You are an encouragement & a blessing. THANK YOU for preaching the unadulterated Truth with Boldness. God has Blessed you immensely, my friend! Continue to use His gift for the Church's Good & His Glory! May your harvest be ten-fold!
Amen, this is so so true. It's amazing how easily we find and give time to some of the most inane things -- like shopping, watching a 3-hour movie, or having our daily coffee break -- and yet we struggle with spending time with God. It isn't right if we give Him the "leftovers" of anything, including our time. I guess committing regular time to God is a discipline, but it's great once it becomes part of one's daily, habitual routine. I find it helpful to pray throughout my day too.
Well said! We seem to find time for anything else we want to do...God should be our FIRST priority!
You are so right about this. Sometimes, for me, it even boils down to "Will I first make the coffee, or will I first praise God?" I'm so thankful the Lord knows that I am a work in progress ...
Since time is so much more precious than money, it is even more important that we spend it wisely.
I have been reading Ezekial, which can be tough sledding, but it is certainly a stark reminder of how important it is to listen when God speaks to us.
Well said Dakota! So very true! Taking a break from fb and other distractions always prove to be fruitful. This morning in spending time in His word and writing in my journal, I walked away from that time realizing how precious it is to have that moment. It's when life as far as other priorities STOP and you and the Creator just sit in silence times there are words exchanged but this morning it was more then that. He is my thirst quencher, my love tank filler, my all and all. He see's into my heart like no one else. Thank goodness He also knows how to mold it like no one else too! Your posts and other blog are a blessing. It's great to see young ones like you mature in the Lord and DO what He's called you too with zeal for His Spirit! Since I can literally be your mother's age, I will say I am sure she is very proud of her son!! Keep up the great work and about doing the Father's will for your life! You have a gift and it will prove to guide your way as you lead others to Him. Blessings!
Wise words, Dakota! I must have missed this post but glad I went back through to catch up with my fellow blogger friends. I have just posted a Proverbs Challenge if anyone needs a creative jump start for their quiet time! So enjoy your posts! In His Grace, Dawn
I'm afraid so many things will cluttered our minds if we let them. The old hymn Take Time To be Holy
is so true. We will have to determine to take time. the devil will rob us of this if we let him.
thanks for such a timely post.
God, help us to remember what you consider most important.
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