“Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth the hearts.”
-Proverbs 21:2
What a person thinks about themself as an individual is largely dependent upon the lense through which they view their life. If you analyze your actions based on the world’s distorted standard of what is acceptable and what’s not, then you’ll naturally come away with an equally distorted perspective of who you are and where you stand. Just as a doctor prescribes only those glasses which will make his patient’s vision accurate and trustworthy, so we must ensure that we’re looking at life as it truly is through the universally perfect lense of Scripture if we expect our resulting decisions to be right.
“Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts.”
-Isaiah 6:5
Though Isaiah was a great man of God, it was only when He was surrounded by the majesty of his Lord’s holiness that he was able to fully comprehend his own sinfulness. In his words, he was a man of unclean lips surrounded only by those who shared his dilemma. He’d been called of God to proclaim judgment to the unrighteous (ch. 5), and yet now realized he was just as unworthy as the rest. Even though the facts had not changed at all, Isaiah’s estimation of himself was completely shattered when he looked through the lense of holiness and saw, not only his personal insufficiency, but his Maker’s all-sufficiency.
What lense have you been looking through lately? Whether it is one of pride or even of sincere humility, just remember that neither one of these things necessarily indicate an accurate worldview. It’s only when we see God as He truly is that we can be sure we’re looking through the right set of glasses.
Hi Dakota. Excellent post - no more rose-tinted glasses for me. I too want to see through Son-glasses.
God bless
Awesome blog, Dakota! I'm glad you found me, and followed my blog. I am sure we are "kindred spirits" especially the Holy Sprit!
Blessings to you and yours,
Sharon Jones
God takes away our hope in our puny elves and trades it in for a hope founded on His righteousness - how can we go wrong?
Hi! I just wanted to thank you for "follow"ing me. I haven't been able to read much of your blog yet but what I have, it's really cool. I think it's awesome to find other people studying the Bible and trying to get closer to God, just as I am doing.
Hi Dakota! This is GOOD! A pastor friend of mine did a sermon on Identity last summer- Our Real Identity (who we REALLY are), our Perceived identity (who we THINK we are) and our Portrayed identity (who we make OTHERS believe we are); and the importance of coming back to Christ in all of it. Then this past Sunday my pastor did a sermon on viewing the Church & ourselves from God's perspective, which obviously changes how we interact with others... Good stuff! Keep up the good work! :) Soli Deo Gloria! Kate
Great post!
Hey Dakota...great post!..I'm encouraged by your youth...i know its possible because I have children your age who are daily "working out their salvation".
PS - can you change the colors - its very hard to read on screen.
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