The Heavens Declare the Glory of God || Part I

Looking back through my archives I realized that it’s been nearly five months since I last authored a series. With that in mind I have decided to begin a new, small series of posts which will describe what many modern-day theologians have come to describe as God’s “general revelation” to humanity, and go into some detail as to how each aspect of Creation, both directly and indirectly, declares the glory God for all to hear.
Since I began to pursue photography a little less than a year ago, I’ve come to pay special attention to detail that I once overlooked. Sunsets are more majestic, the flight of a bird more captivating, and the fading beauty of a wild daisy more appreciated than it was before I started to actually look for such things. To the untrained eye, starlit evenings are often taken for granted as part of nature’s natural course; but once you come to understand the wisdom wherewith God put these heavenly bodies into orbit, each twinkling star suddenly becomes a messenger loudly ascribing praise and glory to its Maker and, as David wrote in Psalm 19:3, “there is no speech, nor language, where their voice is not heard.”
No person can live in this world and never hear the simple testimony all Creation gives to its Maker. No eye is so blind and no ear so deaf as to keep an individual from ever discerning the handiwork of God around them. You can accept it or reject it, but the fact of God’s existence remains unchanged and absolutely unchangeable. If you want proof all you have to do is look around.
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