Hey everybody! I just wanted to take a few minutes and let you know about this really great summer project my friend Camden has put together with his friends. It’s called called Do: Living Water. Here’s a little bit of info about what they do that I copied from their website:
We aren't really an organization, just a couple of teens passionate about seeing change in the world. We aren't radical visionaries, but God showed us a problem in the world, and He showed us how to change it. Now we want to offer what we've experienced to others, a chance for the younger generation to rise up and change the world through a simple carwash.
Do: Living Water hosts student-led fundraising initiatives such as carwashes to raise money to dig wells in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. We do this through partnership with TouchGlobal, the compassion ministry of the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA).
In the Congo, Do: Living Water is invested in the Northwest corner of the DRC, in the Ubangi region. Two specific locations where DLW works are Tandala Hospital and the Elikya Training Center.
Basically, the idea behind their efforts is to bring fresh water to those who have none – a necessity most of us take for granted. If you’ve been looking for a way to get involved in overseas mission work, then please let me urge you to click over to their website and respond in whatever the Lord leads you. As Jesus reminded us in Matthew 10:42, “…whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.”
That is awesome I love the concept name and the meaning behind it. God bless you all those who joined to help you all and may God's blessing be upon you.
How awesome! I love to hear about the amazing things our youth are inspired to do to serve God; they are the future! God bless them for using their gifts and talents and being Christ followers, and for sharing their passion. :)
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