View Scriptures Immediately – Introducing Reftagger

Okay, I’m excited. I was visiting someone’s blog this evening and, as I hovered over the Scriptures referenced on their page, a small pop-up window appeared that allowed me to read the verse myself without ever leaving their site. I thought it was pretty cool, until I realized the potential of implementing such a feature here at A Look at Life from a Deerstand – then it became really cool! I immediately headed over to to find out how I could add this awesome program to my own site.
Anyway, after messing around with it for a while, I’m thrilled to announce that you can now view every Scripture reference I use right here without ever touching a button. Just hover over the text itself (ex. John 3:16), and it will pop right up in a convenient little box and even allow you to click over to and read the context of the passage. Pretty neat, huh?
But, as exciting as it is, there are a couple strings attached that I should probably mention. First of all, when viewing my old posts, you’ll still have to click over to the online Bible I’ve been linking to in the past for most of the verses. For some reason, Reftagger wouldn’t pick up on references enclosed in parentheses and I currently have to override the system to make it work in those cases - something that would take a long time to do in each of my old posts. Second of all, if you’re viewing this post from your inbox, you’ll probably still have to click on all the links manually and read the passage in a separate window. Sorry about that, but I don’t think Reftagger supports e-mail formatting.
Either way, I’m really happy about this new feature and I hope it makes it easier for each of you to dig into God’s Word right here on my blog. Let me know what you think!
This looks really cool. But, I couldn't get it to load. Might be our system as it is satelite and can be slow. The message I got was This reference could not be loaded at this time.
Looks great and I might give it a try. Thanks for sharing.
Dakota - Sounds pretty cool! I might consider trying that! Also, wanted to mention - I thought I had added myself as a follower to your blog (I know that's what I intended!) - but I didn't see my picture on your sidebar. Sooo...perhaps I forgot to do that. Sorry about that - enjoy your young mind - after 50, you lose your memory like me!!
Again, just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog - so wise!
That is a neat idea. It works really well, and it would be great if I adopted it. How did you mess around with it to make it work on your blog?
In Christ,
Joshua :)
Thanks for dropping by and joining to follow All Gods Creatures. You have an awesome blog, here. I have joined to follow. You may enjoy my other blog, Arise 2 Write.
Blessings and prayers,
I'm using this too and I agree, it's cool.
So glad to know it. Thanks!
Thanks Dakota. Since I have been busy lately, I finally have Reftagger up and running with your help. It is a really helpful tool. :)
In Christ,
Joshua :)
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