The Great Invitation

Over the years we’ve come to label many things in Scripture as great. There’s the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), the Great Commandment (Leviticus 19:18; James 2:8), the Great Flood (Genesis 6-9), the Great Physician (Mark 2:17), and, of course, the Great I Am (Exodus 3:14). And while nobody can deny that these are all “great” verses, one passage of Scripture stands out in my mind above the rest as some of the most beautiful words ever spoken: the Great Invitation in Matthew 11. It is in these verses that Christ not only puts into perspective the weight and bondage of sin, but actually shows us the way out by promising rest to all who put their faith in Him.
“Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.”
-Matthew 11:28-30
As Matthew Henry wonderfully put it in his famous commentary on the Bible, “All those, and those only, are invited to rest in Christ, that are sensible of sin as a burden, and groan under it; that are not only convinced of the evil of sin, of their own sin, but are contrite in soul for it; that are really sick of their sins.”* It is that place to which we all must come – where we are actually sick of sin and the burden it brings – before the significance of this Great Invitation can really begin to sink in. In other words, if we fail to see that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23), then we’ll be unlikely to show even the slightest interest in an offer of redemption from it. On the other hand, however, those who experience Godly sorrow because of their sin (2 Corinthians 7:10) and recognize its destructive nature will joyfully respond by “casting their burden upon the Lord.” (Psalm 55:22; 1 Peter 5:7)
Like the tree in my photo, sin leaves a person nearly broken under its weight. It leaves them frozen, lifeless, and barely able to make it from day to day. Yet in this truly Great Invitation, God has shown us a better way that is free from sin’s burden and penalty - a way of life and salvation that is accessible to all who call upon His name (Romans 10:13). Those who travel it, no longer having a burden to carry, can do as was written by the prophet Isaiah and “…mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31) After all, they will have nothing to weigh them down anymore.
*Matthew Henry’s Commentary in One Volume , Page 1,262
Hi Dakota,
Awesome photo and scripture! Keep them coming!
Hi Dakota, thank you for joining me at Clothed in His Beauty. I will enjoy reading your posts and looking at your photos..too! Sounds like you are quite the outdoors man. We like getting out,hiking, biking and camping. Not too fast but we try! (:
LOVE your pic and verse! DO YOU have that kind of snow where you live??? WOW! IT is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Yes, sometimes we do get fair amounts of snow where I live. This photo was actually taken on Christmas Day and I thought the way the snow stuck to the tree was really interesting. I'm glad you enjoyed it! You may want to check out my nature photography site where I share similar photos quite often:
In Christ,
Dakota, this is really good! You have great insight into the scriptures. I love this Great Invitation. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am now following you too.
Very well researched and thoughtful post! I think there are many peole exhausted under the weight of their own sin, and they don't even know it!
Love the photos -- poor tree.
Wow! I'm impressed with your blog and with your heart. What an awesome post with such a great message. God Bless you and may you only grow stronger in Him. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and commenting/following. I've added your beautiful button to my site. I love it here, and can't wait to come back to take a look around (working in the garden today :) Be Blessed today! (Love your profile pic. Beautiful buck. My husband is a hunter. He and our son are avid hikers and outdoorsy-type guys too - take care :)
Thanks for inviting me over to your wonderful blog and for joining the conversation over on mine. I'm very impressed with your attention to His Word especially for a young man your age. We share that love and I'm learning a little more about photography every day so I'll enjoy our common interest there.
Keep up the good work He has begun in you!
Thanks for stopping by! I am happy to be following you, now, as well! It's great to see a heart so passionate!
Hey! Thanks for visiting my blog! I thought I would return the favor and drop by yours. I'll stop back by and do some reading when I have more time. Thanks so much for the add!
Great word! Thanks for commenting on my blog and following! I'm following yours too. It's so encouraging to see someone as young as you (oh no, I sound old! haha) following after the Lord and loving His Word.
(Great name, by the way...) thanks for stopping by my blog earlier today. You are right. Sin is a burden that will break us under its weight. Praise God that our Savior came to save us! I am gladly taking Christ's yoke, for His burden is LIGHT!
Living for Him, Joan
Thank you Dakota for finding me because I am now blessed to find you! I am thoroughly enjoying your blog and look forward to more. God has blessed you with such wisdom and insight in His Word. It is amazing how God uses young people in His David, Daniel, Josiah, Mary, Joseph, and you. God has great plans for your life!
Thanks Dakota. Your blog is great. You have a remarkable gift and skill for writing that is very rare for a person of your age. Not only is it a joy to see a teenager with such great writing skills but also one who has just a big a passion for the Word of God. It is evident from your writings that God has a unique call upon your life. I have added you as a follower also. Thanks for your follow too. Keep writing and sharing your passion with the world!
Awesome post, thank God that sin will no longer have dominion over us since we are no longer under law, but under grace.
Thanks for visiting my blog and I must say that I am absolutely blown away by yours. Are you sure you are just 17?! What a heart for God you have and wisdom to see things beyond your years.
Keep studying and keep the hunger that you have for Him. NEVER forsake His Word and remember He'll never leave or forsake you.
I'll enjoy being part of your 'blog' family :-)
Dakota - thank you for visiting my blog (and for the follow). I've certainly enjoyed visiting yours and I look forward to reading more posts. You do have a gift for writing and it is refreshing to see someone of your age with such a zeal for the Lord.
I also checked out your photo blog - photography is one of my hobbies and I love nature photos.
I am also glad that you stopped by A Softer Voice. Thank you! You have an incredible future as a writer. (Are you sure you're only 17?) You write with such unsight and conviction. I look forward to reading more of your devotionals. I wish you every success as you minister through your writing and photography. God Bless.
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