The 3 John Project Comes to and End

This Monday marked the beginning of the 7th and final week of the 3 John Project I started back in December with some of you. Though I will admit I struggled near the halfway point due to the holidays, I was thankfully able to get back on track towards the end and finish in time. If you are one of those who joined me, I trust that God has richly blessed you in your efforts to memorize His Word and that the benefits of your commitment will last a lifetime.
Anyway, here’s is a video of me reciting 3 John from memory. This is actually the first time I was able to make it through with 100% accuracy, and so I was pretty excited to get it on camera. I hope you like it!
Hey that's pretty good!
Very well done! It's such a blessing to memorise Scripture.... go for it!
My son has just begun blogging, so I'll send him over here to visit too. Blessings from Scotland, Anne
Hi Dakota!
Nice to meet you! :) Thank you muchly for your comment; I always enjoy getting e-mails telling me someone has left something to say. Especially since I don't keep up with it very often. ;) By the way, I really love how your blog looks. It's very nicely done!
Nice job reciting! How long did it take you to memorize 3 John?
And I really like what you said in your previous post about the Bible not being a math textbook. Neatness. :)
Great job! I have committed to memorizing the book of James this year. :)
Hey Tiffany,
Thanks for stopping by! I started the 3 John project on December 13th and decided that about 2 verses per week would be a good pace so anybody truly willing to apply themselves could participate. Since there's 14 verses, it took me about 7 weeks.
In Christ,
Well done!
Great job. I am not good at memory work. May God Bless You.
Great job! I memorized the book of Philippians. There's nothing like memorizing the Word in big chunks. Life-changing, for sure!
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