Cashing in on God’s Blessings *New Series”

I’ve been tossing around ideas for a new blog series all day. I’m usually able to fit all of my thoughts on a subject nicely into three or four paragraphs, but I’m afraid I would be doing the topic God has placed on my heart a great injustice by trying to condense it all into one post this time. Understanding what God has to say about money and finances is crucial, not only to pleasing God and receiving His full blessing on our lives, but is fully necessary if we wish to have true financial success as Christians. With that said, starting tomorrow I will begin a series of posts which will cover the following topics:
- The Love of Money
- Tithing
- Spontaneous Giving
Obviously, I’m no financial expert. I’m not claiming to have any wisdom of my own in this area, but I do nevertheless feel a burden to share with you the Scriptures God has placed on my heart in this area. I’m open to suggestions for additional posts you think should be incorporated into this series, and hope you’ll check back tomorrow afternoon for the first post of what I trust will be an enlightening series for all of us. God bless!
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