Book Review: “Enemies of the Heart”

In “Enemies of the Heart”, Andy Stanley examines in depth what he considers to be the four most destructive emotions in the human experience: guilt, anger, greed, and jealousy. “Practically every conflict and relational wound you’ve experienced,” says Stanley, “can be traced back to one of these four.” (p. 48) Of course such a general analysis of sin leaves room for the occasional exception, but overall this rule stands up to the scrutiny of common sense: get rid of these things and your heart will undoubtedly be a much cleaner place.
For me, this book was both timely and very convicting. I was forced to look beneath the surface of my actions and figure out exactly what motivates my everyday behavior, and also given very specific advice for overcoming traces of these four “enemies of the heart” in my own life. Specifically, Andy names confession, forgiveness, generosity, and celebration as the most effective means whereby one can conquer sins which would otherwise conquer them.
The unfortunate truth we must all come to grips with is that, in this life, nobody gets their way in everything. Learning to handle conflicts and disappointments without contracting spiritual heart disease is fundamental to every Christian’s spiritual growth, and so I recommend this book to you as a wholly valuable resource in helping you do just that. As always, keep a Bible nearby and be prepared to compare each chapter with the truth of Scripture (perhaps reading Hebrews 10:26-29 before you begin chapter 11). If you can do this, then you’re all set to dive into a book that contains a message much bigger than its physical size: “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” (Matthew 5:8)
My Rating: 4/5 Stars
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Disclaimer: I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review and all expressed opinions are my own.
Great review! Definately makes me want to read it! Oh and I gave you 5 Stars!! :)
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