How Should We Respond?

“Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?”

               -Ezekiel 33:11

In the past I’ve always tried to avoid jumping on the Christian blogger bandwagon by posting about every controversy that arises within the Christian community. I somehow managed to avoid the Rob Bell debate (assuming you already know where I stand), and rarely get involved in political arguments or talk about the latest mistakes of famous televangelists. This time, though, the common question being raised among Christians is a little bit different as it deals with something both completely unavoidable and critically important: how should we, as Christians, respond to the death of Osama Bin Laden?

As today’s Scripture reminds us, God does not at all delight in the death of the wicked, but desires instead for all to repent and believe the Gospel (II Peter 3:9). The angels of heaven did not celebrate with high-fives or gather in the streets when Bin Laden was killed, and I have a hard time understanding why some Christians seem almost pleased to know this man will suffer forever in the Lake of Fire, eternally separated from God. Judging by our own twisted standard of morality, sure, he deserves it; but judging by God’s perfect standard of holiness, so do we. Hell is not only a place for the mass-murderers of this world, but also for every unbeliever, liar, and idolater (Revelation 21:8). Jesus came to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10), and we were no less separated from God than anybody else.

“It is joy to the just to do judgment [i.e. justice]: but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity.”

               -Proverbs 21:15

So how do we apply these truth’s to our lives in our response to the death of the the world’s most wanted, and possibly most hated, man? Should we look at it as nothing more than a tragedy, or is at least some measure of happiness acceptable? To put it in just a few words, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with celebrating justice as long as revenge stays far from your heart and mind. I smiled when I heard the news Sunday, not due to the fact of his death, but because of its consequences. The leader of the world’s most dangerous terrorist group is now gone, and many innocent lives will be saved as a result. The families of the 3,000 people killed on September 11th  will never be threatened by his hate again, and our world will likely be a safer place in the long run. If this is good news to you, then don’t feel guilty for being happy about it; just make sure your happiness is rooted in Godly soil apart from any trace of selfishness or revenge.




Child of God said...

Hi Dakota,
I must say that I am mourning Osama's death for I do not know the condition of his soul when he passed from this life. God does know and I find peace in that but if he never repented then I can only be very sad that he will never ever know the true love and peace that Jesus has offered us.

I have been wondering how your great grandma is doing? Will you give an up date?

Blessings and praying,

Rebecca said...

Hi Dakota,
How is your great grandma doing?
I have been praying for her, and I hope she is doing better :)
In Christ,

Northern Bell said...

Hi Dakota!

Thanks for posting about this, I had mixed feelings when I heard the news this week... part of the feelings were of unbelief that all of this could be true- after so many years the leader of our enemies has been found and put to death... but I also didn't have joy in hearing of his death, because, as you stated. He is going to spend eternity in Hell, the pit full of fire.

However I do agree with your statement that we have relief from being afraid he would strike again.

Thanks for the reminder that everyone is important to Christ- we are commanded to love everyone- there was no condition in the Bible... Jesus loved His accusers even though He had no reason to.
Thanks again!
God Bless
In Him, Cassie

mrsnice777 said...

Excellent post!


Zachary Bruno said...

I'm not sure I even believe he is dead. But if he is, I don't know what benefit it has to our country since there are plenty more like him out there. I know he doesn't delight in the death of the wicked, but we also need to be reminded that Yahweh is the same today as he was back then. A murderer of an innocent person would be killed. I'm still struggling to understand if and how someone could ask for repentance back then. After all, David murdered someone and he wasn't killed.


ajfcello said...

Thanks so much Dakota for posting this!! I've heard a mixture of things, some of which say that Osama Bin Laden is not even dead. But whatever the case may be, you are totally right. I was really convicted as I read this as as first, I was relieved and a little glad that he was dead. Not for the fact that he died, but that we no longer have to fear him and his leadership. Thank you for this sobering reminder. This is an excellent post!
In Christ alone!

Lilac Bud Gal said...

Yup. The news report certainly did bring mixed feelings. Relief and sadness. It is sad, as you said, that he could be spending eternity in hell. At the same time it is relieving that he is gone.

I can't say that we will be better in the long run from it, though. This certainly does give the muslims a good excuse to declare gihad on us. So, I am a bit skeptical about all that still....

Thanks for doing a post on this.

In Christ's Service,

quietspirit said...

Thank you for posting about this. I have had some of the same thoughts. One of my blog followers posted on her blog that it bothered her to see people celebrating his demise. A close friend asked a pastor we both know if it was right to be glad about this. His answer encompassed both the issue of the loss of a soul and the travesty that this man had inflicted on innocent people.

Grant said...

I myself was sad that he died not knowing Christ, yet I was glad that he died because he would of without a doubt kill more people. I think myself that it was a day of mourning in heaven.

Grant ~ Arrows of Victory

charis said...

i really appreciate your perspective and it is very mature. i felt torn in my own response... not sure how to respond because of the very things you mentioned. my favorite thing you wrote was: "Judging by our own twisted standard of morality, sure, he deserves it; but judging by God’s perfect standard of holiness, so do we." well said.

my recent post: how to grow in a life of prayer

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