Scripture Memory Monday || Galatians 3:26

After letting the idea float around in my head for quite some time, I’ve finally decided to begin a bimonthly, continuing series called Scripture Memory Monday. Twice each month I will select a short passage of Scripture from God’s Word that has been a special blessing to me lately and expound briefly on the lessons God has taught me through it. It is my prayer that, through this series, we not only get into the Word, but allow the Word Itself to get into us by literally making God’s thoughts our own! For this week I’ve chosen Galatians 3:26.
“For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.”
-Galatians 3:26
For me, this verse is one of the most encouraging reminders a Christian can be given of who they now are in and through Christ. When the world gets you down, all you’ve got to do is remember Who your Father is and know He’ll always be with you (Matthew 28:20). Your problems may still persist and your heart continue to question outward circumstances, but you’ll have the perfect peace of knowing your faith in Christ is all it takes to make you a child of God. Just as an earthly father has compassion on his children when he beholds their weakness, so our heavenly Father has compassion on us and delights to show Himself strong in our lives (Psalm 103:13).
Wherever you are and whatever you’re facing in life, don’t let the fiery darts of the devil (Ephesians 6:16) get you so distracted from what really matters that you forget Who it is you’re serving. We aren’t serving a religion, a church, or even our own sense of moral obligation; we’re serving an Almighty God Who, by the Spirit of adoption, now calls us His own sons and daughters (Romans 8:15). The greatest honor in the universe has been given to the most dishonorable of all Creation. Certainly that can brighten up your day a bit.
If we have God's Word in our heart and listen to what it says to us we have a better chance of not sinning. Thanks for a great memory verse and post. Blessings to you.
This is awesome! I love it :) and your words here are so fact, this is something I've been struggling with lately. I've been really confused in my life about several things, yet this reminded me totally that if we simply have faith in Christ, He'll take care of us. :) Thank you for the wonderful post!
We aren't serving "our own sense of moral obligation." So true, Dakota. My flesh continually wants to turn it around and make me the standard to judge my actions and attitudes by. that's why it's essential for us as Believers to allow God's thoughts to infuse and infiltrate our minds. Thanks for your great posts.
BTW, you're always welcome to read my bi-weekly posts, as well.
"Certainly that can brighten up your day a bit."
Yes, it did! Thanks for the encouragement! :)
Karissa :)
Great post!
Awesome post Dakota!!! So true!! God's Word is truly the best thing that we could ever commit to memory
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