How’s It Look?

In case you haven’t already noticed, I’ve once again been busy implementing new features to my blog. Rather than having my sidebar cluttered with all sorts of things you may or may not use like I did before, a number of widgets are now expandable and can be utilized or simply ignored. In addition, I’ve also added a new Contact Me button and a Top Commenters section that actually gives you and your blog publicity for commenting on my posts regularly.

So far, everything seems to be working properly with the exception of one of our older computers that doesn’t want to display my sidebar correctly. I can’t seem to pinpoint any coding errors and expect it’s probably not something the average user will experience, but I still wanted to get some feedback from my readers just to make sure. Can you see all the new features I mentioned as well as my archives, tag cloud, etc.? If not, I’d really like to know so I can continue my debugging efforts but, since I’ve not had any luck thus far, don’t want to keep wasting time if nothing is seriously wrong. Just comment and let me know what happens!




The Fedewa Family said...

Everything looks fine and is working on our computer! Thank you for you is an encouragement!

Dakota said...


I wish! Actually I came across another blog that had this feature and the owner had written a tutorial on how to do it yourself. There was a few things I customized, but I basically just did a lot of copying/pasting. LOL!


Lisa said...

Everything looks good!

Amber Noella said...

It looks great!

Joshua said...

Ok, I am commenting more often even though I am fourth. :) Great look by the way.

In Christ,
Joshua :)

Child of God said...

Looks really good Dakota! WOW I made second top commenter with 39 comments, WOOT!

I guess I better get busy to try and beat Camden ;P

Blessings brother,

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