God’s Agenda

I don’t know about you, but John 10:10 rates among the most frequently quoted verses I hear from fellow Christians. This is justifiable since it truly is a great passages that gives us clear insight into the intentions of the most influential beings ever to exist: Christ’s desire is to give us a more abundant life, while Satan’s is to steal, kill, and destroy us in any way possible. Unfortunately, I think that many times we focus solely on Satan’s intentions while forgetting the fact that Christ, too, has an agenda worth mentioning.
Unlike the devil who goes about seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8), “…the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him.” (2 Chronicles 16:9) With such an amazing contrast between our two options, it is obviously important to make the decision of who we serve very, very carefully since, based on these verses, it will either destroy or fulfill us. Oftentimes the path that leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13) seems to be the most fulfilling, and the path of righteousness (Psalm 2:3) full of destruction; yet we must be careful to look past the brevity of this life and it’s hardships, and focus on the eternal fruit of the the decisions we make. In reality, 1,000 years from now whatever joy or sadness we are now experiencing will be long since forgotten as we finally begin to understand the concept of eternity.
Whether big or small, we make countless decisions on a day-to-day basis that we rarely take the time to notice. Even though we generally consider big decisions to be the ones that permanently alter our life in a matter of minutes, those seemingly insignificant choices we make each day are the ones that impact us the most. The decision to serve God falls into both categories: we are saved at a specific moment in time as we make the decision to repent of our sins and believe the Gospel (Luke 13:3; Romans 10:9), but the decision to serve Him is one we must continue to make on a daily – even and hourly – basis in the little things we do. When we learn to make Christ part of every aspect of our lives, we will finally attain what He promised us in John 10:10. We will have life, and we will have it more abundantly.
It reminds me that manna is to be eaten daily, and with thanksgiving. What an intentional way to be nourished, and to acknowledge the Nourishment Giver at the same time!
As I look back over my 63+ years, I see how many baby steps have lead to this amazing place I now find myself. It's not all perfection & bliss, but it IS blessed ... and so FULL of life.
What a good God we serve!
When we look at the scriptures and how the LIVING CHRIST salvages our soul , at that instantaneous moment he justifies us by his blood being shed and our faith being born (ROMANS 5:vs. 1 & vs.9 )nothing earned by the one saved but completely based on the sacrifice of JESUS, so then as we must go on living we being of salvaged nature (2 CORINTHIANS 5:17) shall undergo the process of sanctification (GALATIONS 5:22-23 ), because one would perceive that being of the CHRIST we would desire to please our MASTER by desiring to be holy ,however santification does not have any bearing on or over justification (this is the place where most legalism begins )....Wanting to be holy does not come from our own desires but from the works of the HOLY SPIRIT within us .....Being justified however does not give us the right to sin whenever we want as stated in the GOSPEL (ROMANS 6:1-2)....So in conclusion , GOD desires that we serve HIM and we serve HIM and give HIM the glory because we are of GOD'S workmanship (EPHESIANS 2:8-10 )......Asfor glorification (which is the final part to our salvation ) well that will be wonderful .....To be with JESUS in our glorified state forever
.....Have a great day & may GOD be with you .
Thanks for those links, Judy! I'm particularly excited about the Scripture and a Snapshot contest and am planning on participating in it!
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