This might come as a surprise to you, but did you know that I’m actually mentioned in the Bible? It’s true. If you don’t believe me, just get our your copy, turn to the 15th chapter of Luke, and you’ll see my story in big, red letters right there for all to see. I’m not at all proud of what It has to say about me, but I must admit it’s all very accurate. The account of the prodigal son paints a perfect picture of my rebellion against God, and an even better picture of the redemption that followed 14 years down the line.
Of course, there’s a good possibility you might see yourself in Luke 15. I would actually go so far as to say that you should see yourself in this story because, when it comes down to it, “All we like sheep have gone astray.” (Isaiah 53:6) Whether your past consists drug addiction and lies or Sunday School lessons and prayer, the fact remains that “…all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23) and no person is more in need of redemption than the other. We were all prodigals at one time and, without the mercy of our heavenly Father, would still be heavy laden under the bondage of sin (Matthew 11:28). In fact, I’m sure there are some of you out there who still need to answer the soft whisper of God’s voice urging you to come home.
“But thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in Egypt, and the LORD thy God redeemed thee thence…”
-Deuteronomy 24:18
Somebody once said that, in order for us to realize who we are in Christ, we must first realize who we would be without Him. Too many times we get caught up in all that God is doing in our lives, or what we are expecting Him to do in the days ahead, that we forget the most significant blessing He’s ever granted us: our salvation. Our salvation is something that gives us forgiveness for yesterday, joy for today, and hope for tomorrow. It is priceless beyond words and should be cherished above all else, for it is this very salvation that allows us to say with Paul, “whether we live…or die, we are the Lord's.” (Romans 14:8) What could ever compete with that? If this assurance is yours, let me urge you to take a moment and quit worrying about all the distractions life has thrown your way and simply thank God for saving you. It’s the most deserved ‘thank you’ He could ever receive.
Absolutely love this song - AND this message. I definitely see myself in that story too. So glad He ran!
Hey, Dakota! Great post. I agree totally. We are and were the prodigal. I am just so glad that we have God as our Father who welcomes us back home! Hope you're doing well!
In Him,
Love this song! This point is really good - "Somebody once said that, in order for us to realize who we are in Christ, we must first realize who we would be without Him" I don't ever want to forget what He has done for me.
Great post!
There was a time where, as the oldest son in my family, I couldn't see the logic in this story. I kept seeing it from the oldest son's perspective. Then God brought me low one day and I realized the truth. Oh, it was such a blessing!
This is a great post. While I was an enemy of God, He saved me!
I found your blog while blog hopping. Your writing definaly inspires me. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
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