From Whence Cometh My Help

Out of all the verses found throughout God’s Word, few have been more inspiring than Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” It’s not that we ourselves have any strength worth mentioning, but rather that the source of our strength, Jesus Christ, is omnipotent and empowers us to be “…more than conquerors through Him that loved us.” (Romans 8:37) When we rely on God to give us the victory, we have all the power in the world backing us up.
“...and the children of Judah prevailed, because they relied upon the LORD God of their fathers.”
-2 Chronicles 13:18
When Abijah went to war against Jeroboam in 2 Chronicles 13, anybody would’ve told you he was bound for defeat. His adversary had an army twice the size of his own (v. 3), and even then they fell into an ambush and found themselves surrounded by the enemy. They were outnumbered, outwitted, and, by all indications, going to lose and lose miserably. Yet because they relied on God and made Him the captain of their army (v. 12), they were victorious in their battle and walked away with a renewed understanding of what it really means to trust God. After all, if we can trust Him with our eternity, shouldn’t we be able to trust Him with our today?
“I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.”
-Psalm 121:1
Perhaps you, just like Abijah, are fighting for what seems to be a lost cause. When you look around, all you see is the enemy, and it seems obvious that you are outnumbered. If so, be reminded of the words of Elisha when he found himself is a similar situation in 2 Kings: “Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.” (2 Kings 6:16) It turned out they weren’t outnumbered at all. In fact, heaven’s angels were surrounding them and ready to help win the battle, and they’ll help you win yours too.
We don't have to be afraid because God is always with us, and greater is He that is with us than he that is in the world. Amen!
Your post on memorizing scripture so inspired me that I used it in my blog. (I gave you credit and pointed my readers to your blog). Thanks for encouraging me!
Dakota, I really like your post. I wish more young people would read it and know what the Lord can do and does do for all of us. Yes, we can do all things through the Lord, in fact there isn't much we can do without His strength. You are so encouraging. Thanks for the post. Blessings.
Great post DaKota! We have no need to fear! God is always with us and promises to care for us.
Psalm 121:1 is one of my favorite verses!
In my 63 years God has proven this truth over-and-over! About the time I'm ready to give up, or give in, along comes a wave of grace too splendid to ignore.
Thank you for commenting on my blog and leaving the link to the memorization website. I think that I might start using it to memorize.
One question though, can you choose the verses you wan't to memorize? For example last year I participated in the National Bible Bee, Juniors had to memorize 500 different verses. Could I choose those verses to memorize?
Thank's again!
Thank you for the encouraging reminder! Blessings!
Amen, so funny, my post is about the same thing this week. Thanks for the confirmation:)
Hello again, I received your email about prayer requests etc. I tried to send a reply but it was returned today so I copied it and came here to share it with you..
You are an Inspiration from Jesus Christ to soooooo many of us..
It is an honor to knowing that I follow a blog that has someone like you as the owner of it.. What an outstanding young man you are for our Precious LORD...
And for sharing that LOVE for Him with others..
Prayer to me is the KEY to it all..
It is very hard to describe what it means that we are gifted to pray. And is also indescribably as hard to say what it means to God..
I thank you for being such an Awesome person after Gods heart...Your post and photo blog is FANTASTIC...THANK You for posting so often and for helping us all to lift each other up for His Glory...
What proud parents you must have!!!
Follow God with all your LOVE and He will bless you from above~~~
My Husband and I will pray for you and your ministry blogs...
Amen! We've read the back of the book and we win!
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