The majority of us have probably been in or around church most of our life. We’ve heard the stories dozens of times, and maybe even told them ourselves. We know the lingo, can quote the verses, and “believe it all with our whole heart”. But sometimes, I’ve noticed a personal tendency to become so used to hearing the same messages and praying the same prayers that I forget the reality of what I’m claiming to believe in.
For example, if you’re anything like me, you’ve heard about the return of Christ since you were very young. Even if you didn’t always believe in it, you’ve probably seen your fair share of church signs proclaiming “Jesus is coming soon!” along the highway. Whether it encouraged you, or just caused you to drive a little bit faster, we’ve all been there.
The problem we often face, however, is that this often causes us to forget the truth of these messages. If we’re not careful, heaven can be reduced to a lyric in a song, and the second coming of Christ to a message worn on a t-shirt. No, it’s not wrong to wear the t-shirts and post the signs; it’s simply our neglect to continue taking it seriously that creates the problem.
The dangerous thing is that Christ’s return is something we can’t afford to forget about, for the Lord said in Matthew 24:44, “…in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” Amazingly enough, I’ve found that it is in fact possible to forget about the rapture even if you sing about it every week in church! Nobody is exempt from this.
Whoever you are, let us never forget the reality of these things we hold to be true. It’s easier than we might imagine.
For example, if you’re anything like me, you’ve heard about the return of Christ since you were very young. Even if you didn’t always believe in it, you’ve probably seen your fair share of church signs proclaiming “Jesus is coming soon!” along the highway. Whether it encouraged you, or just caused you to drive a little bit faster, we’ve all been there.
The problem we often face, however, is that this often causes us to forget the truth of these messages. If we’re not careful, heaven can be reduced to a lyric in a song, and the second coming of Christ to a message worn on a t-shirt. No, it’s not wrong to wear the t-shirts and post the signs; it’s simply our neglect to continue taking it seriously that creates the problem.
The dangerous thing is that Christ’s return is something we can’t afford to forget about, for the Lord said in Matthew 24:44, “…in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” Amazingly enough, I’ve found that it is in fact possible to forget about the rapture even if you sing about it every week in church! Nobody is exempt from this.
Whoever you are, let us never forget the reality of these things we hold to be true. It’s easier than we might imagine.
This post made me think. Thank you! It's true that we often get so wrapped up in our day to day life, and even our day to day actions as a Christian, that we forget the awesome power of the Gospel message. As you said, Jesus coming just becomes a promise that seems far off in the distance. We have to remember that we don't necessarily know when Jesus will come back...and we don't know when we'll leave this Earth to meet Jesus. We always have to be ready, and we have to, as it says in the Lord's Prayer, say "thy kingdom come" with joy! We have to watch for it, never let the message lose it's luster...because it is not a dry message, it is one full of power, wonder, and beauty! Thank you for this blog, it is truly a blessing.
Great wake up call! We need to be sitting on the wall watching for His comming. How do you sit on the wall in today's day and age? Me, I read about the world news and compare it to Biblical prophesies. Just look at what is happening in Israel and Iran. That is on the scary side and to me that speaks volumes about how close the return of our Lord is.
Thanks for this word and nudge. :)
Child of God,
It's funny that you mention Israel and Iran, because just the other day I and my family were discussing all that takes place over there. Could that be at least part of the reason why were are instructed to keep our eye on the EASTERN sky? It certainly sparked my curiosity.
press on Dakota! love what you are doing for the kingdom. continue to be faithful. your writing is ahead of your years. it is a gift. you have clear communication skills. Continue to hand these over to the Savior and He will life you up and give you that "exciting life with all sorts of things to share" that you mentioned in your profile.
choose to honor and glorify God. make this deliberate and advertise it like you are doing and He will use you in a mighty way.
Lord bless and keep you!
nikonsniper steve
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