Watch Your Step!



In life, it’s very easy to become so consumed with what goes on around us that we forget the importance of “watching our step.” Whether we neglect to pray about crucial decisions, don’t spend enough time reading the Word, or start compromising in areas God has dealt with us about, we can be sure that trouble lies ahead when we begin pushing God to the sidelines of our day-to-day lives.

In Psalm 119:133, David prayed that his steps be ordered according to God’s Word. That is, he wanted every single thing he did to be pleasing to the Lord. So it should be in our lives, that every step we take is not only acceptable in God’s sight, but directed by Him. We don’t  simply want to be in His permissive will, only sliding by and seeing how much we can get away with; we want to be in His perfect will, doing all that He’s called us to do with a pure and holy heart. It is only then – when our steps are ordered by the Lord – that we can run full speed ahead and not stumble. (Proverbs 4:12)

Over the course of a long journey, even one step off the beaten path can result in a person becoming miserably lost in the wilderness. It is no less true that, in our walk with the Lord, making one decision without His guidance could potentially cause a lifetime of hurt and frustration. Taking  the wrong job, attending the wrong college, or marrying the wrong person are all choices that will often irreversibly damage your life. On the other hand, however, ensuring that you are in the Divine Will at all times will yield  innumerable benefits in both this life and the life to come.


“The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.”

                                                            -Psalm 37:23

If we hope to please God in this life, every step we take must be ordered in holiness. In ourself, this is impossible; but through Christ, we are enabled to do the impossible.(Philippians 4:13)


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