
Many of you will remember Chris Sligh from season 6 of American Idol. Even if you’re not an AI fan, you might be more familiar with his song “Empty Me”, which was a big hit on Christian radio stations for a while, and his more recent single “Only You Can Save.”
Anyway, I went to one of his shows this week and had a blast! Other than getting to meet him after the show, my favorite part of the night had to be him singing “Vessel.” Unless you have his first CD you’ve probably never heard it, but it is an amazing song nonetheless that talks about surrendering to God and allowing Him to use us as He sees fit. I know that at some point we’ve probably all had a desire to be used by the Lord in a special way, and this song reminds us of the proper mindset to have: complete surrender. An attitude that says, “God, I’ll serve You no matter what.” Somebody with this mentality is the type of person God looks for when He needs a vessel to use, and it’s the type of attitude we should all have as Christians. Anyway, if I keep rambling on there’ll be no need for you to watch the video, so I guess I’ll stop talking and just let you enjoy the song!
Me and Chris Sligh
That's so awesome! I never heard him on AI (I barely ever watch, mainly because we don't have TV lol). I'll have to check out those videos you put up.
We watched that season and season 7, but we're aren't fans of it anymore.
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