Water is essential to our survival. Without it, we can’t last more than a few days. A simple few hours without it will remind us all of how important it truly is when our body begins to lose strength and our mouth starts to dry out. We can forget a number of things during a day’s time and it not be a big deal, but we aren’t likely to forget this necessity.
This is why the Lord compared Himself to water numerous times throughout the Scriptures. He is called living water, the water of life, and rivers of water in a dry place. God’s point is clear and His message simple: He is essential. In a world where everything promises to satisfy, God Himself remains the only One that can fully and truly quench our thirst. While the media screams for our attention, promising happiness if we’ll only purchase their magazine or try out their new product, God softly invites, “Let him that is athirst come.” (Revelation 22:17) He doesn’t promise financial success or academic achievement; He promises spiritual fulfillment and salvation. He doesn’t offer a life without heartache or a single day without pain; He offers comfort in tribulation and hope in adversity. These things won’t buy you a new car or give you lots of friends, but they are much more valuable than any earthly thing we could ever possess.
In this life, we’re going to face our share of hard times. But let us never forget the importance of staying hydrated.
I hate when my mouth is dry. But sometimes I ask myself why I don't completely hate when my "spiritual mouth" is dry. I can tell when it is, & boy do I need a drink.
Thanks for this devotion. People are looking for something, they are craving a god of some sort but they really don't know what it is. When you come to Christ, He fills that spot and the craving is satisfied. Our spirits are not complete until we give over to God, we are lacking His living water, and when we come to Him, He fills us up and our thirst is quenched.
I hope and pray that His living water overflows from me to others.
This is a really good site you have going here and I pray that God will bless you as you minister to His people. I also will pray for Him to lead in the weary to become refreshed in His word.
God Bless,
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