The Meek

Seeing as I recently defined meekness in my series on the fruit of the Spirit (click here to refresh your memory), I won't waste time trying to explain what it means to be meek. Instead, I'll jump right into the second half of this beatitude, and focus on what Christ was telling us with the words, "...they shall inherit the earth."

Honestly, I don't recall ever thinking deeply about this promise until now. I guess it's one of those verses that you hear so many times growing up that you just take it for granted. Anyway, as I began to consider the meaning of this passage, I immediately discarded the idea that Christ was saying the meek will overtake the earth is such a way that the entire population will have this virtue. On the contrary, I'm sure we'd each be hard-pressed to find 1 meek person in 100. Without a doubt, meekness is an exceedingly rare attribute.

So what was Christ saying then? Well, I personally believe He was referring to His 1,000 year millennial reign on earth, during which time His children will rule with Him (Revelation 20:6). In that sense, we will inherit the earth because Christ will place us in authority over it. Now obviously we shouldn't serve the Lord just to be rewarded in this way, but as we are told in Luke 14:11, those who exalt themselves will be abased, and those who abase themselves (a.k.a. being meek) will be exalted. If we don't seek positions of honour in this life, Christ will place us such a position in the life to come. If we seek to be honored on earth, that will be all the honor we get.

Inheriting the earth is only one of the benefits meekness incurs, for blessings flow freely upon those who align themselves with the Word of God. Will you follow Christ's example and pursue a life of meekness and humility (Matthew 11:29)? I can assure you, it is well worth it.


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