"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork."-Psalm 19:1
It is amazing to me that anybody could possibly look up at a moonlit night, or think about the enormousness of the sun and universe itself, and yet say "There is no God." Even in the current age of mind-boggling technological advancements, no camera has ever been made that can be compared to the human eye, nor a computer that can perform as well as our brain. The world around us was clearly created with infinite wisdom and understanding, but yet some people still claim that it found it's origin in random chemical processes that, despite countless attempts by scientists, cannot be repeated. As this verse tells us, creation speaks for itself. If you listen, you can almost hear it crying out, "There is a God!"
"Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge."-Psalm 19:2
Every day, every hour, and every minute declares the glory of God. When the sun is shining and the birds are singing, but also when the rain is pouring and the thunder rolling. Every aspect of creation was created by the Divine Hand, and His fingerprints are clearly visible to those who are willing to see them. There is "no speech nor language" that cannot see the glory of God revealed in creation (Psalm 19:3).
Like my blogging friend Camden once said, "Sometimes we just get so self focused that we forget the sizeless God that we serve. He is over all, and if he can create 350 billion galaxies and blood clotting, I'm pretty sure He has our lives in control." No doubt, our God is an awesome God.
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."-Genesis 1:1
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