I was just going through some of my old writings when I came across something I wrote about a month ago, and I wanted to share it with you.
"Years ago, I remember watching as young men would stand up in church and testify, saying they had been called of God to preach. I would always think to myself, "That'll never be me. There's no way I'll ever be a preacher."
Ever since I was saved two years ago, however, I have found myself daydreaming every now and then about being a preacher one day. I never spoke about it, or even prayed about it, but it was always in the back of my mind. Then, around 1-2 months ago, I really started praying about my future, asking the Lord what He wanted me to do with my life. I had considered just about everything under the sun from farming, to becoming a professional musician, but I wanted the Lord's guidance in making my decision because I knew it was one of the most important choices I would ever make.
Then one day I decided to just ask the Lord if He wanted me to be a preacher. I thought to myself that maybe the reason I had been unable to shake the notion of being a preacher one day was because that was God's will for my life. "I'll pray about it, and if the Lord says 'yes', then I'll do it. If He says 'no', then I can put the whole idea behind me - once and for all." I told myself.
So anyway, this past Thursday (the 18'th) I was outside between 10:00-11:00 P.M. praying. After a good deal of prayer, I found myself kneeling on the blacktop crying out to God for guidance. After about 45 minutes of seeking God, I felt like the Lord was telling me He wanted me to preach.
Then it hit me.
I suddenly realized what a great responsibility it is to be a preacher of the Gospel. Being a preacher means more than just delivering a fiery sermon once or twice a week. It means being responsible for the souls God commits to your leadership, and knowing that if you mess up it could affect countless people negatively. Thinking about all of this, I actually almost forgot the whole thing.
The next day (Friday) I spent quite a bit of time praying, asking God to give me the confirmation needed if this was indeed His will, but I didn't really seem to receive any direction. But then last night I continued seeking God, and He let me know for sure: I am called to preach. The Holy Ghost has given me such a sense of certainty that there is no longer any doubt in my mind as to whether or not this is His will
But there are still so many unanswered questions. After all, there are a million and one types of preachers. God may want me to be a pastor, a deacon, a missionary, an evangelist, or any number of other things, so I've still got a lot of prayer and seeking the Lord ahead of me...
I know that now I have to begin preparing for whatever God may have in store for me. Like I said, I have no idea what that might be, so I've got to be prepared for whatever area of ministry He places me in.
I just pray the Lord will help me to remember that where He ordains He sustains, and that He wouldn't have placed this calling on my life if He didn't have everything figured out as to how I am supposed to fulfill it."
Wow! I will be praying for you!
Instead of a scripture at the bottom like I usually do, I'll have one up top.
Matthew 21:28-31a
"What do you think? A man had two sons. And he went to the first and said, 'Son, go and work in the vineyard today.' And he answered, 'I will not,' but afterward he changed his mind and went. And he went to the other son and said the same. And he answered, 'I go, sir,' but did not go. Which of the two did the will of his father?" They said, "The first."
God calls us to follow Him. Even if we refuse at first (for more areas than just preaching), it's far better to then go than to commit to following and then not. It's awesome to hear how God's working on your life!
Wow. Keep seeking the Lord and He will show you what He wants you to do!
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