Humility and Glass Doors

Have you ever had one of those experiences where the Lord teaches you humility by sending you through something that is...well, humiliating? If so, then you know how I'm feeling right now.

Last night after a great night out with some of our friends and family, I happened to glance over and see a mouse that had its foot caught in one of our mousetraps. I knew I had to finish it off, so I grabbed my old B.B. gun that hadn't been shot in ages and headed out to the front yard. Now before I go any farther, let me just say that I have actually shot balloons with this B.B. gun and watched as the B.B. bounced off! To say the least, this gun isn't very powerful - or so I thought. Anyway, I placed the mouse on the ground, took aim, and pulled the trigger. I hit the target, but somehow the B.B. still managed to have enough velocity to ricochet off of the concrete, and then fly into a our glass door - completely shattering it. How this happened, I am still unsure; all I know is that we have a cart full of glass and one less door at our house.

My point behind this story is that humility is a lesson we all must learn. Some learn it the easy way, others learn it the hard way. If you're one who likes to learn things the hard way, then at least consider purchasing a screen door.

"For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted."
                            -Luke 14:11


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