Hide It In Your Heart

In the day and age in which we live, many people see no real need to memorize the Bible. With countless commentaries, devotionals, dictionaries, study Bibles, concordances, and cross-references, we have an "all-you-can-eat buffet", so to speak, of God's Word. But it doesn't matter how readily available the Bible is to us, memorizing It is still a God-given command!
"Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee."-Psalm 119:11
"...lay up His words in thine heart."-Job 22:22
"And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:"-Deuteronomy 6:6
Though this country might be bursting at the seams with Bibles, what will happen when you are trying to witness to someone on the street corner, or at the grocery store? You can't run home and get your Bible; you've got to have it in your heart. That is one good reason why we memorize it.
Now I understand that some of you are probably reading this and saying to yourselves, "But I can't memorize. It's too hard, and I don't have a good memory!" But let me ask you this: what is your favorite song? When you think of it, go ahead and sing the chorus...yes, sing it!
Do you see? You can memorize; it's just a matter of willpower. We memorize what is important to us, and if the Bible is important enough to us, we'll put forth the necessary effort to hide it in our hearts.
So what can you do? A verse per day? A verse per week? Whatever you are able to do, I challenge you to give it your best and, I promise you, the rewards will be well worth the effort.
NOTE: Scripture Memory Fellowship is an amazing organization that has memory books, Bible trivia games, and CD's that are all designed to help you memorize the Bible! I strongly encourage you to check it out! Also, memverse.com will store, and quiz you about, your memory verses - all for free!
Dakota, great to see your excitement and commitment to memorizing Scripture. Here are two other reasons to memorize what God has to say: 1) Our Creator God who made us, owns us, loves us, and who we are eternally accountable to is actually worth listening to; getting to know better; and meditating on.
2) As our churches and Christian culture get further and further away from Biblical truth and enjoy creating our own "new and improved" christian god; the promises, claims, and commands of Scripture sound crazier and crazier. I love finding new crazy verses, memorizing them, and wondering, "Could this actually be the Word of God? Does God really want me to bank on this being a Spiritual truth, when it doesn't seem true in today's Church culture?" A few examples of crazy verses you may want to memorize are: PSALM 119:72; MATTHEW 22:37-39; MATTHEW 6:31-33; LUKE 21:3-4; PHILIPPIANS 4:6; ROMANS 8:32 and my two favorite JOHN 15:5 and 7
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