Apologetics Series - Part 3: How Can a God of Love Send People to Hell?

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In a world where God is often pictured as nothing more than a big candyman Who goes around handing out blessings all the time, it is no wonder that many individuals struggle to understand how He could "send people to hell." But, as has often been said, God doesn't really send anybody to hell; they go there by choice. says that hell was created for "the devil and his angels." This means it was not originally intended for mankind. However, because the human race took part in Satan's rebellion against God, the unsaved must also take part in Satan's punishment: hell.
Hell is not a place where anybody truly wants to go. But there is good news! You don't have to! If you have not yet been saved from sin and from hell through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ, then please click here to find out how you can be redeemed!
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