Strychnine for Dinner?

Imagine this: You enter a restaurant and the waiter takes you to the fanciest table in the building. After you are seated, he proceeds to set before you all of your favorite foods. Burgers, steaks, fries, tacos, chicken, - you name it, it's there. Your mouth is watering as you dive for your fork. You reach toward your favorite dish, but just as you are about to dig in, the waiter warns you, "Sir, I must inform you that all of this food has been seasoned with strychnine powder. If you eat it, you'll be dead within an hour from the poison, but you can still eat it if you wish. It's your choice."

Suddenly the food doesn't look quite so appetizing. Sure, it smells good, would probably taste good, and might even fill you up if you ate it, but the end result is death. Do you stay and enjoy the best meal of your life and die because of it, or settle with frozen pizzas from home and live. I think the choice is clear.

You might be wondering what my point behind all this is, but the fact is, sin is the same way. It's aroma is inviting, and you can't help but breathe it in. You're sure that it tastes 10 times as good, and are confident that it would fill you up, leaving you thoroughly satisfied. But, it's wages are death. It will cost you your soul. Is it still worth it? I don't think so.

What will you have for dinner?

"The soul that sinneth, it shall die..."
                            -Ezekiel 18:20

"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
                            -Romans 6:23 


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