"Now then we are ambassadors for Christ..."-II Corinthians 5:20
Being an ambassador is pretty serious business. It means acting as a representative of another group, person, or country. Thus, if an ambassador messes up, he makes those that he or she is representing look bad as well. Being placed in such a position of responsibility requires always being on your best behavior, knowing that every move you make and every word you say will reflect on the one you are representing - either negatively or positively.
With that said, we should all realize what an honor and what a responsibility it is to be ambassadors for Christ. When we tell people we are a Christian, they immediately place a higher standard on us. If we claim to be children of God, how does it reflect on our Father when we lose our temper and slam things around the house, or treat those around us with partiality and prejudice? On earth, our opinion of an adult is greatly influenced by the way their children behave. As God's children, the same is true for us. People form their opinion of God on how we, as Christians, act.
We serve a God who is merciful, gracious, longsuffering, just, holy, and righteous. If we, as His ambassadors, are suppossed to convey this message to the world, what would be the most logical way to do that? Think about it, and leave your comments!
Thanks for the post, Dakota, it was really challenging. To be like Christ in order to reflect Him to the world should be our passion and motivating desire! I've heard it said, "you're the only Bible some people will ever read." Convicting...is everything I do like Christ and showing Him to be a perfect and Holy loving God? "Be Holy as I am Holy" "Love one another as I have loved you" "Deny Himself, pick up His cross daily and follow Me" "Seek first the kingdom of God" "Let your light so shine"....and many others. It is only by His grace that we can reflect Him at all, and that realization should leave us humble and eager to serve Him!
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