My Testimony

For a long time I was never really serious about serving the Lord.  I was saved at a young age, but then I began to get discouraged and I fell away from God.  Then, when I was a little bit older, I got saved again, and at age 11 I was filled with the Holy Ghost at a Church of God youth convention.  But, yet again, I was unable to hang on to what God had given me and I backslid. For years, this was my life. I would get saved, backslide, and then repeat the whole process.
When I was about 13 or 14 I remember getting saved and honestly believing with all my heart that it was my last chance.  I thought, "If I mess it up this time, that's it.  Game over; no more restarts." But praise the Lord that wasn't the case, because I did indeed backslide...again.
After that, conviction began to set in strong.  I was tired of going back and forth, and so one night I got my mom and my grandma to come and help me pray as I sought forgiveness.  After a pretty long season of prayer, God, for some reason, answered my prayer and saved me once again. 
A month or two passed, and then the devil started trying to tear me down.  I knew that if something didn't change I would backslide again.  Then one night at about 4:00 A.M. (yes, A.M.), I woke my mom up and asked her to help me pray for the Holy Ghost.  As we were praying, I told God that I didn't just want the Holy Ghost, but I wanted the commitment to be able to keep it. That night my life was forever changed.  I was sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost, but I also received the commitment I had prayed for. 

That was almost 2 years ago and I am still going (or should I say, growing).  Over the past two years I have learned a lot.  I've learned that God doesn't always move mountains - but sometimes He does.  I've learned that commitment wasn't all that I lacked before; I lacked a true love for God.  Your feet take you where your heart leads, and that's why we have to put our heart in God's hands.  But, perhaps most importantly, I've learned that God is the only One you can count on in life. He's the only one that will never leave you or forsake you.  When all else fails, God won't.


Sheila said...

What a wonderful testimony!

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