I Need You

If you have been serving the Lord very long, then you know what it's like to go through times when you simply don't feel Him. We all go through times when our prayers don't seem to get through, and God feels a million miles away. But I figured out a long time ago that going through times like that is a normal part of our spiritual growth. In fact, the Bible says of King Hezekiah in II Chronicles 32:31:

"God left him, to try him, that he might know all that was in his heart."

The Bible doesn't say here, "God left him, because Hezekiah had done something wrong." Rather, God "left" him in order to strengthen His faith, and "that He might know all that was in his heart." The other night I was feeling this way. I was just really down in the dumps, and not feeling the Lord at all. Every time I would try to pray, it felt like my words were just falling to the ground. I went upstairs and wrote this song a few minute later, and I hope you enjoy listening to it.


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