Guarding Your Heart || Part 1

Disagree with me if you want to, but I believe music is one of the most influential things we allow into our lives. Even on rare days when I don’t tune in to my local Christian music station or pop in a favorite CD on my way to work, the song I wake up to in the morning or what I hear playing at the grocery store always finds a way to get stuck in my head. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing depending on what kind of music is involved, but the fact of the matter is that our thoughts, and therefore our actions, are directly affected by what we spend time listening to.
“Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;”
-Ephesians 5:19
Now I’m not one of those people who think it’s sinful to listen to anything but Southern Gospel, but I do believe most Christians are far too liberal in their choices of music. I’ve seen too many friends who once lived respectable, Godly lives begin a terrible downward spiral by deciding to compromise in this single area. I know the simple fact that a song isn’t about God doesn’t make it sinful, but we must ask ourselves whether its lyrics and overall message are truly worthwhile and consider what kind of lasting effect it will have on us. Even if you stay away from profanity and punk rock, filling your mind with lies about life and love can be just as harmful in the long run. Can you honestly say what you listen to meets the criteria for Godly thought found in Philippians 4:8? If not, then it’s time to clean out your iPod.
At this point I’m sure I’ve already offended some of you, but know this is not my intent. I just believe we need to be aware of just how much influence music wields in our life and emotions, and yet too many people seem to think they can partake in the very things the world takes pleasure in without being negatively affected by any of it. Proverbs 6:27-28 lets us know that, when you play with fire, getting burned is unavoidable. It doesn’t matter how strong you are in Christ; it’s impossible to daily and willingly place yourself in the devil’s line of fire without getting hit. “But what’s wrong with this song or that band?” you say? Perhaps instead of asking “Is it wrong?” you should ask “Is it right?”. Comparing darkness to light provides better contrast.
Hey Dakota,
I definitely agree with this! This is a great reminder for me to be careful what I listen to. Thanks for writing this.
So, SO good and true.
And not just the words, but the beat of the music has so much to do with it. Rock music didn't just materialize out of thin air...the people who came up with it did so for a purpose. An evil purpose. Music is not amoral; you can't try to "Christianize" rock by putting "good" lyrics to it.
You stated this really well and very concisely.
In Him,
I agree with you. One thing to pay attention to is how music makes me feel. Some songs make me depressed and others make me feel aggressive or anxious. When I was younger I listened to some intense rock and roll. When I realized how anxious and depressed it made me I changed over to Christian inspirational. It made a huge difference in my life. It makes me glow and when I sing to the Lord I can feel His presence. Rags to riches. Even at 52 I still avoid the rock stations. I prefer riches and worship in God's presence.
Thanks for this post! May God bless you abundantly!
Amen! I have (sadly) seen the same occurrence that you described! AND... It happened in the "church" with "christian" music. The music that was part of every service is sensual and plays upon the emotions rather than edifying the heart. Our friends children who chose to go there for the convenience of proximity to there house, now "rock out to Jesus" at concerts and you cannot tell whether they are the Lord's children or the worlds. :( Great reminder! So don't just think the label "christian" on the radio, cd's etc. means that it is God glorifying music. May we all take heed how we hear! God deserves our all, and it is our privilege to give it to Him!
I agree completely. Years ago when my oldest son was a teen, I had a dream. I saw a line of little dancing imps in the house. Wondering where they were coming from, I followed and found them coming out of the radio in my son's room. He had heavy metal on. Since then I've had no problem believing some music is evil!
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