“Delight thyself also in the LORD; and He shall give thee the desires of
thine heart.”-Psalm 37:4
If you’re a Christian, then just reading the above passage of Scripture likely caused you to stop for a moment and reflect on the goodness of God. To think that an all-knowing, all-holy God would extend to us anything but His wrath – let alone His love – should be enough to fill anybody with gratitude, and yet we find countless promises just like this one throughout the pages of God’s Word. Like the Israelites who were allowed to inherit “a land for which [they] did not labour and cities which [they] built not”, we have been made “partakers of the Lord’s table”, not by our own merit, but solely by grace through faith in Jesus Christ (Josh. 24:13; 1 Cor.10:21).
And although this particular promise is as beautiful and as valid as any, it can be easily misunderstood if we’re not careful to consider its context. Receiving all the desires of our heart is surely a thought worth getting excited about, but only when our priorities are first in the right place. Can you imagine the mess we would so quickly make of our lives if we got everything we wanted, no exceptions? You see, God isn’t offering us the satisfaction of every selfish desire, but the quenching of every Godly thirst (Matthew 5:6). If you make Him the center of your life and the focus of every ambition [i.e. your “delight”], then the desires of your heart will also be Godly in nature.
The fact is, there is a direct relationship between the delight of our heart and the desires of our heart. This means that if you’re not quite sure what the delight of your heart is, the desires which consume it on a daily basis are likely a good indicator of your spiritual condition. A person who delights in money desires more wealth; someone who delights in acceptance desires friendship; and those who delight in God desire “whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report.” (Philippians 4:8)
“I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.”
-Psalm 81:10
The obvious advantage to the Christian is that, unlike those who look for lasting happiness in temporal things, the desire of our heart is sure be granted so long as we put Christ in His rightful place by making Him our soul’s delight. How often do you think those who delight in earthly things find complete satisfaction? According to Ecclesiastes 5:10, “He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver, nor he that loveth abundance with increase: this is also vanity.” Those who have fixed their eyes on the eternal and desire God with all their hearts are the only ones who won’t be disappointed.
"They are, however, to warn, expound, exhort, and teach, and invite all to come unto Christ."
I believe this is the intent of both of our blogs.
You are Invited to follow mine.
Elder Barnes
You are so-o-o right! When God created us, He made a void in our hearts only He can fill. Unless He is our delight, we will chase after worldly whims and find no contentment.
This is a fabulous post-- God is so good, and only His goodness can fulfill our desires!
How-Do! I think I have ran by your blog once before actually, but now I've signed up! Thanks for following my little corner of the cyberworld!
Hi Dakota :)
Thank you for coming to visit me :o)
I was also thinking today how my focus is upside down. How often to I realize the thousands of blessings showered on me each day? Compare that with how often do I dwell on the one or two things that really irritate me and bring me down into the pits and the mire??? Then, when I wallow there a while and ask the Lord for deliverance, He does rescue me and lift me back up, only to have me return into that bog at the next available let down (of my fleshy desires)...sigh.
He blesses and blesses with countless blessings to overflowing, and I often miss the forest for the trees, forget to thank Him, and then get irritated with the little nothings. What a sad plight.
When we do remember to count blessings, we see that His blessings abound and never fail us.
Beautiful post, Dakota! As we draw closer to God and find joy in Him, our desire is to be conformed to His perfect will, which is the greatest blessing we could possibly have. He finds great pleasure in granting this desire!
Thanks so much for following Saved by Grace! I'm following you back!
God bless,
Wonderful post, Dakota!! This verse has been a favorite one of mine for years. There are so many things this one can pertain to....
You know what's funny? I had just found your blog for the first time today and enjoyed reading a lot of your posts. Then I go back to my blog and there's a comment from you!! So neat how God does that!!
Look forward to getting to know you better via the blog world :D
In Him!
Dear Dakota,
Thanks for checking out my blog -You have a really good one here yourself! I so admire young people who have found the Lord early, and aren't afraid to speak out about their faith! I didn't find Him until I was 37. Regrettably, I am asked, nearly on a daily basis, to follow so many blogs that I simply can't. But I just followed you on Twitter (sheryltruth), and will Tweet about your new posts whenever I see you Tweet them, so people find out about you! And I'll come over to read them whenever possible! Many blessings.
Phil 4:8 always makes me stop and think about what I am putting into my mind, and into my life. I think of the things of this world, and the Entertainments/like tv/radio/music and what am I putting into my life. What do I think upon? We cannot think upon the goodness of our God if we allow ourselves to be preoccupied with worldly pursuits~ ♥♥♥
I have heard many recently converted refer to Psalms 37:4-5 in terms of what will i get, rather than who will i become. How will my mind be transformed to be more like Jesus and desire the things of God. You really did a great summary in your closing paragraph. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for following my blog! I have to say, when I read your 'About Me' page, I thought of my family! lol We all hunt(any type you can think of), fish, and do all that kind of stuff. (: I love every one of your posts, too!
Have a wonderful day!
Your Sister in Christ,
Thanks for visiting my blog and inviting me to yours! Your insight into this verse so inspiring! :)
Many seek God for many reasons and as we worship Him with our lives He's looking right at our hearts. He so wants us to seek Him for who He is and not for the blessings. I read in a biography of Christ that the heart of Jesus literally burst on the cross the moment He died for every human He ever created. How can we NOT love a God who would go to such depths in His love to save His people and to have relationship with them? His love for us is MEASURELESS!! :) May we return His love with pure hearts.
"Those who have fixed their eyes on the eternal and desire God with all their hearts are the only ones who won't be disappointed."
Yes, sir. That is exactly right! And well worded, may I say. :)
Beautiful. Very good!
Excellent insight, Dakota. Well said. Thanks!
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