Defending Your Faith

“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:”
-1 Peter 3:15
I’m someone who enjoys debate. Not that I enjoy disagreeing with another person over trivial issues, but, especially when it comes to God and the Bible, I always welcome the opportunity to defend what I believe. An ability to defend the Faith is one of the most important skills a Christian should have, not only because it deepens his personal understanding of spiritual things, but because it enables him to be used by God in revealing these things to others.
Of course no person, however knowledgeable of the Scriptures, is able to impart saving faith to another (Rom. 2:4). We can preach night and day of justification and propitiation, and yet there will always be those who disagree with us regardless of how plainly the truth is presented (1 Cor. 2:14). I’ve met professed-Christians through the blogosphere who hate what I have to say about salvation, yet will contradict me without the use of even a single Scripture and insist that everybody goes to heaven. It’s during these times that discernment must be exercised so we are able to avoid fruitless conversations with a person who simply refuses to see the light (Matt. 7:6). Certainly God may lay it upon our hearts to continue reasoning with them for a time, but at some point we must redirect our energy toward reaching those truly hungry for truth.
The key, as Peter wrote, to being a successful defender of the Faith is not a huge reservoir of head knowledge. Yes, knowledge undoubtedly helps, but it doesn’t save people. Before all else, we must “sanctify the Lord God in our heart’s”, knowing that our efforts to evangelize are vain if we have not first presented ourselves as living sacrifices before the only One Who can reveal the Father in all His fullness (Matt. 11:27; Col. 2:9). Once we have Him working in us and through us, the task of reaching people for the Kingdom suddenly gets a lot easier.
Perhaps there’s someone you’d love to reach for Christ, but your words just don’t seem to be getting through. This might be because you’re too close to them, like the father who shares Christ with his rebellious son every time they meet but to no avail, or because you are trying to sell them a faith that you yourself have neglected. Pray about what your next step should be and be prepared to respond to God’s direction. Whether it’s to continue defending your faith to that person or simply cultivate it through prayer and fasting, God knows how to make us most effective in His service.
We need to stand up for scriptural truth in this age when watered down, touchy-feely "faith" seems to be the norm. Holiness is not over and done, repentance is needed today just as much as it was 2000 years ago, God moves on our behalf when we are surrendered to Him - just as it has always been. Your blog is a breath of fresh air in a sometimes very stagnant world. THANKS
I couldn't agree with you more Dakota. But making sure we have a right relationship with God is not a "once done" thing...we will stray, and we must continually go back to Him. When we are so wrapped up in God, Godly thoughts and actions will come naturally...ultimately though it is the Holy Spirit that works in the heart of those we are witnessing to.
Anyhow...I certainly agree with your sentiments. I don't know why I don't stop by and read your blog more often...keep it up!
AMEN! This is GOOD! We actually JUST discussed this at Bible Study tonight! :) One of the things that our Group leader pointed out that it isn't our responsibility to "win" a person to Christ, that God & God ALONE is the One who plants the Desire in their heart, initiates the Transformation & sustains it. It is not in nor of ourselves or anything that WE do (apart from Him working IN us)... Good food for thought! Glad to see you posting again! :)
My son is not a believer. I have only been a believer for a handful of years. It is my prayer, everyday, that God brings people into his life to share God's message.
He admires me greatly, but I am probably not the one to bring him to the Lord.
Hi Dakota!
Thank you for this post (I always enjoy reading your posts). I sometime struggle with that, thinking "why won't people just see where I am coming from, and understand what I am saying?" But, I can only speak the truth to people: it is God alone Who does the convicting, changing, and inward cleansing!
This is sort of a different subject, but have you ever read the book "not a fan." by Kyle Idleman? I'm reading through it right now for a Missions trip I am going on in April (to Mexico), and I've only read a couple chapters so far, but it has been amazing (to me) so far, and I think will be a great book. Kyle is so funny as well, which makes it more intriguing. I was just wondering what you might think of it, and if you would like it and stuff.
Have a great day!
In Him, Karissa││Romans 12
Hi Karissa,
Sorry for the delayed response! No, I haven't read that book but I'm pretty sure I've heard of it. Have you finished reading it yet? If so, is it something you would still recommend?
In Christ,
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