Two years ago today, A Look at Life from a Deerstand was born. It would be four long months before I received a comment from anyone besides family, and over a year until I reached 100 followers. I poured my heart into this blog every day, and yet at first the rewards of this effort were delayed.
Since that time, I’ve been astounded at how many visitors have discovered this little piece of cyberspace (3,581 unique visitors and counting!), and even more amazed at how often my efforts to encourage others have turned into a direct blessing to my own soul. Every time I see a new word of encouragement posted at the end of my most recent devotional, or receive an e-mail from a new follower, I’m encouraged with the thought that this work has truly been worth however much time it’s required.
None of this would possible without God and His miraculous grace, or worth it without my amazing readers from all over the world. This simple blog has been displayed in all 50 states and over 60 countries including Tanzania, Indonesia, Thailand, Morocco, Egypt and Spain. Only the Lord can be credited for taking the restricted message of Christianity into the home of someone in Cairo who may never read another Scripture in his life! The only thing that could make this better is to know it pleased God to make room for this simple website in His grand plan of spreading the Gospel.
I know that I’ve been unable to post as frequently as I did 12 months ago, but I still rejoice in the blessing of my readers and take every word I type seriously. I can’t say what the next year will hold, but can only hope it will be as great as the last two have been and that you’ll be along for the ride!
Congratulations, Dakota! You have been a blessing and an encouragement to me as I began the Blog journey earlier this year on a similar path! I am glad God crossed our paths! In His Grace, Dawn
May you continue to be blessed, and to be a blessing!
Happy 2nd Blogversary!
I remember when your followers were only double digits. ;P
Way to go for getting God's word out there. Keep working for the Lord and spreading the Gospel.
Congratulations, Dakota! Your posts DEFINITELY are a blessing & an encouragement, thought-provoking & theologically sound. I enjoy reading your posts! You are using the gifts & talents that He has given you for His glory & other's good... Keep up the good work, my friend! :) Be blessed!
Dakota is featured on JournEzine today! You are such an awesome writer, Dakota! Thank you! Keep on writing. God has big plans for you. I'm sure of that!
Stumbled upon your blog and stopped by, intrigued by your blog's name. About a year ago, I wrote a blog entry entitled, "Lessons Learned in a Deer Stand." It's amazing the things God can teach while in the outdoors.'
Anyway, I'm glad I stopped by and look forward to reading more.
God Bless.
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