In “Ascent from Darkness”, once-practicing Satanist Michael Leehan shares the story of his life and conversion to Christianity in a book unlike any you’ve ever read. The details of his involvement with the dark side are documented in such a way that opens your eyes to the reality of the spiritual realm, while also demonstrating God’s superiority over Satan and the carnal weapons of his warfare.
Yet despite this book’s ability to hold my attention throughout its entirety, I closed it mostly dissatisfied.
Like the cover art itself, this book seemed to be primarily about darkness with a ray of light shining through only at the very end. Of the 226 pages authored by Leehan, it wasn’t until page 212 that I read of his actual repentance and professed salvation, and so finished reading without much of the encouragement the title caused me to anticipate. I’m not at all questioning the sincerity of Michael’s testimony or the authenticity of his experience, but would caution any would-be readers to take up this book with much prayer and careful consideration as I also found myself questioning his interpretation of many spiritual experiences and was disappointed in the lack of a Gospel presentation.
This is definitely not a book to sit down and read as a family, but at the same time could probably benefit the right person should it fall into their hands. To that end I give it three out of five stars and am interested in seeing what else may be published by this new author.
Disclaimer: I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review and all expressed opinions are my own.
Appreciate the honest review, Dakota.
Thank you!
Jesus is ABLE, JESUS is GOOD! We need to shine a spotlight on Him and His deliverance - we have all been pulled of darkness of one degree or another and that is totally encouraging but the spotlight needs to be on the Prince of Peace.... I agree that even negative publicity is too much for satan.
I thought this book looked interesting and am grateful for your honest appraisal. I am a slow reader and have to be careful where I put that focus. I do not think I would want to put my attention on darkess for the course of this book. I will stay focused on the Light...after all I lived long enough in darkness.
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