“I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies, and of all the truth, which thou hast showed unto thy servant; for with my staff I passed over this Jordan; and now I am become two bands.”
-Genesis 32:10
Let me know if I’m off the mark here, but it seems like Christians today have become increasingly consumed with self-confidence. Maybe it’s because the world would have us believe we are all worthless, but many who disagree with this have taken things to the opposite extreme by suggesting God couldn’t live without us and wants nothing more than for us to “ask Him into our heart” so we can fill a man-shaped hole in His. If you don’t know what I mean, simply tune in to your local Christian music station or visit the inspirational section of any bookstore. It probably won’t be long before you find yourself squarely confronted with the idea that God actually needs us as much as we need Him. “We were worth dying for,” is the message.
What I have a hard time with, however, is beholding the bruised and bleeding Son of God and thinking for any length of time that I was worth that. Certainly we must have held some value in God’s eyes if He sacrificed His very life to gain us, but God’s love is not the result of our own goodness. Did adulterous Gomer deserve for Hosea to take her back? No, and we didn’t deserve for Jesus Christ to be killed on our behalf. Since when are we the pearl of great price (Matthew 13:45-46)?
In “Dug Down Deep”, Joshua Harris puts it this way: “I had always heard [the cross] explained in terms of my great worth. I am so valuable that God would send Jesus to die. The question [John] Piper closed his message with deeply challenged me. “Do you love the cross because it makes much of you” he asked. “Or do you love it because it enables you to enjoy an eternity of making much of God?" Turning the cross into a monument of humanity’s worth is to rob our Redeemer of the glory for the greatest thing He ever accomplished.
Again, I believe it’s important to combat the lie that humanity is worthless. Each of us has been created in the Divine image of our Creator, but to think that we were worth even a drop of Christ’s innocent blood turns His sacrifice into a mere transaction. Only when we recognize just how unworthy we truly are can we fully experience the joy of being God’s child.
Good word, Dakota. There is dangerous theology abounding. Oh but very well said in Pipers quote. I will have to savor that. Powerful. Balance is needed, but so hard to grasp. It is all Grace. Or nothing, after all. Thanks, brother!
This is my first visit and you have hit the nail on the head. You visited my site on Christmas day or after for you said you were just surfing and stumbled on it. My blog is Stand Firm 4 Christ but that was my last post. Time management got away from me. Anyways I have been struggling recently of how some Christians are selfish and all I see in my church a close knit congregtion that won't let outsiders in unless you have status, money, etc.... They have raised their children that way too. I know I can't live without God don't know where my life would be today without Him. Thanks for this post and I believe God has placed you in my life for reasons that I look forward to discovering.
May God Bless you,
Good post, Dakota! I agree with this post entirely. My women's BIble Study group made a comment complaining about those precise song lyrics. I also have a problem with human-/man- based song lyrics/theology: songs that take the focus off of God & place it on ourselves; like we're stealing His glory, which should belong to Him & Him alone, as if God "needs" us...
Out of curiosity, it sounds like you've read "Dug Down Deep," since you quoted out of it? What did you think of it? :)
Thanks for standing firm on the Truth & for taking a stand against false teaching (specifically: secular humanism) in the Church today!
It was GOOD seeing you this weekend, my friend! :)
Great post. I agree with you 100%. I'm looking forward to more posts. :)
Great observation, Dakota. You get right to the root. Glad I hopped over here from Encourage 365.
Pam at www.2encourage.blogspot.com
Good post, I certainly don't think for one moment that God saved me for anything I could do for Him. Jesus sacrificed himself, that, we might not suffer eternal damnation for our sin, not because of any goodness in us, but because we were so sinful that we had no chance of getting to heaven and He had mercy on us. All we have to do is repent of our sin, and believe on Him.
Send me some followers love the site I am joining come follow me! I LOVE JESUS!!! (waslostnowiamfound.blogspot.com)
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